Chapter 15

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Nora's POV
"Hey I'll be gone for a while take care" I shouted to smith at the front door who was binge watching another Netflix movie.

He just waved me off making me shook my head as I stepped out, closed the front door behind me and locked it.I hopped onto the motorcycle fixed on my helmet and zoomed off to Damien's mansion.

Stopping at the gate of the mansion I met with the two bodyguards I knocked out with the others yesterday.

"Good evening boys"I said lifting the shield of the helmet so my face may come into view "state your business?"he said narrowing his eyes at me seems like they don't remember I thought.

"I'm here to see Damien I have an appointment with him"I said getting straight to the point.

He raised an eyebrow at me seeing as he reached to touch his earpiece I came off my bike and tapped both sides of their neck making them pass out. I love taking people unaware.

Dragging the two bodies over to the side of the fence I grabbed the gate key unlocked,pushed it open and drove in. The other guards gave me suspicious looks but seeing as I was able to make it through the front gate they didn't say anything but I knew they all had their eyes on me.

I parked my bike a couple feet away from the mansion and removed my helmet.I ran my hand through my hair hopped off the bike and strolled towards the mansion.

Walking up the stairs of the front porch a cute girl practically dressing in nothing comes out with her face red and eyes puffy I could tell she was crying but I just gave her a side glance as we walked past each other.

"Hold on right there" I heard the lady say as I placed my hand on the door handle, " can I help you?" I asked trying to be nice "No but you can help yourself by staying away from my man"she said in anger making me raise a brow at her can't believe this girl was crying a few minutes ago.

"And may I ask who exactly is your man?" I said with air quote making her scoff "the owner of the mansion you're standing in front let me just tell you something so you won't get your hopes up you aren't anything to him just his new play toy to keep himself occupied for now" she said crossing her arms over her chest.

"Oh so does that mean he's already had his fun with you,well that was quick I thought you would last longer" I said with a sigh as I shook my head feigning disappointment.

"Listen to me you little bit- she spoke but I interrupted her "listen miss whatever your name is I'm in no mood for your shit right now so just stay out of my way or go fuck yoursef I don't care" I spoke calmly without waiting for her reply I pushed opened the door and walked in.

Stepping into the house i could sense a lot of people in the house but thankfully the living room was empty. Following my intuition I walked up the stairs took a left and stepped into a long hallway which was still empty.
I walked through the large hallway for a few more minutes before stopping in front of a door I was about to push it open but it got opened from the inside as the guy I saw with Damien last night stepped out and closed the door behind him.

He only spared me a brief glance and went on his way very professional I couldn't help but compliment him in my thoughts.

I pushed open the door and stepped into the room slamming the door behind me as an angry faced Damien raised up his head looking like who was about to explode but his face softened when he met my gaze making me narrow my eyes him. Me being me decided to tease him a little.

" what's with the face,you look like whose about to explode"I  said chuckling at the end "just take a seat" he said looking exhausted so I just decided to let him be.

You wanted to see me" I asked with raised eyebrows as i made myself comfortable but instead of responding he just handed over a file .

Glancing through it I couldn't help the frown that appeared on my face.

Is he insane?

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