Chapter 8

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  Damien's POV

     Snapping my eyes open, I stared at the familiar ceiling of my bedroom as everything that happened yesterday popped into my head in a flash making my sit up abruptly,as I groaned at the slight headache I got as a result of my sudden movement.

Reaching up a hand to touch my head I was surprised to touch a bandage, I didn't know it was that serious and how did I get back home I couldn't help but ask.

     As if my question was answered my room door was pushed open slightly before the familiar blonde haired Lucas head poked in, his eyes gazing around the room before landing on me making his eyes widen slightly as he quickly strolled into the room closing the door behind him bowing his head down in acknowledgement, his gaze not leaving the ground.

"how did I get here?" I asked rubbing my forehead in an attempt to sooth my headache "Mr Von I tried calling you yesterday to inform you what you asked for was done but you didn't pickup, so I sent you texts instead but got nothing after. About an hour, we decided to track your phone incase you might have been in trouble and when we found were in a pretty bad state.Your car was crashed into a tree with you unconscious inside that's when we rushed you back here" he spoke up he's gaze not leaving the floor.

After his statement something clicked in my head, the girl on the passengers seat attacked me,but how was that possible?she was supposed to be unconscious.but how? I wondered as I quickly remembered something.

"Lucas did you by chance see anything in the car like a lady's handbag" I asked.

"yes we actually saw a black handbag in the passenger's seat. I'll go get it" he said as he left the room only to come back a few minutes later with the handbag in hand. "here boss" he said handing the bag over to me. Zipping open the handbag I emptied its content on the bed before going through it. Picking up her ID card I handed it to Lucas.

"Find out about the girl and get back to me" I said which he replied to with a bow and left, once I was sure I was alone I grabbed her phone which looked brand new with no password to find it completely empty not even a single game or contact on it making me sigh in frustration as I smashed the phone on the wall and ran my hand through my hair tiredly.

Not wanting to just sit around I grabbed my laptop and some papers and got into work as I still had a company to run.


"come in" I said as I heard a slight knock on my door " what did you find?"i asked my gaze not leaving the papers in my hand.

"umm...the thing is...the" Lucas said stuttering"just get to the point before I lose my patience" I said cooly as I felt my patience slipping. "we found nothing boss" he said his gaze not leaving the ground.

"what?" I asked finally lifting my head up giving him my full attention " yes boss we couldn't find anything, the card seemed to be a fake and the picture on it is of a girl that died two years ago" he said his voice shaking in fear as I took deep breaths to calm myself from just grabbing my gun and shooting dead on the spot.

"so you mean you didn't see a girl with that name anywhere in the world and the picture at the side is of another girl who died two years ago are you fuckin kidding me?" I roared my face red with anger.

"get out!!" I said breathing heavily only to find him hesitating "Didn't you hear me,get out before they come and drag your dead body out of here"I said my voice devoid of emotions. Not needing another warning he scurried out of the room making sure to close the door softly behind him.

Not really in the mood to continue working I shut down my laptop kept at the bedside table along with the papers pulled on a casual black t shirt before strolling out of the room to get a drink, stopping at the mini bar by the living room I grabbed a bottle of whiskey turned it into a glass before chucking off the whole content, making me sigh in contentment as the familiar liquid burned my throat.

looking at the whiskey in my hand made me think of where I first saw her which happened to be in my club, maybe if I go again I might find her, it might not work but I was willing to give it a shot as I stepped off the bar stool went up the stairs and changed into black jeans and left the shirt on. I grabbed my keys and phone before stepping out of the mansion determined.

No matter what I must find her.

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