Chapter 21

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Damien's POV

  Right when she walked into the room I couldn't get my eyes off her. The turtle necked crop top she wore exposing her slim waist just made me just want to place kisses on it.

Her rare silver eyes complimented her face well and even with the baggy joggers she was sporting on you could still see the hip and ass in them.

She was an epitome of beauty and she knew it with the air of confidence around her and the way she carried herself.

I know I stated in the contract we'll be together for only one year but I know once she signed those papers I was never letting her go.

Felix went through the formalities and the rules of the marriage after shamelessly trying to flirt with my girl we signed it.

I couldn't get my eyes off her all the while Felix was talking and I think he noticed too cos he had that teasing smirk on his face.

Once we signed the papers she just got up and left without saying anything. Was she mad?.I couldn't help but think as I frowned smeared my forehead.

Deciding not to think much of it I went into my study to get some work done. After an hour I decided to take a break so I went downstairs and asked about Nora but I was told she hasn't stepped out of the room yet maybe she's just taking a nap I thought.

I sat down on the couch flipping through channels until my front door got pushed open as that high pitched squeal reached my ears.

"High baby" she said taking a seat way too close to me for comfort but I just chose to ignore her.

"I'm sorry for disturbing when you were working" she whispered in my ears placing a hand on my chest. I just took her hands off me and shuffled a little trying to keep distance between us.

"Go home" i said blankly without sparing her a glance.

She was quite for sometime I was about to tell her off again when she suddenly straddled and started grinding on me. I would normally have gotten an erection by now but I couldn't feel anything all that clouded my thoughts were her.

The sound of heels clicking on the marble floor made me raise gaze from the bitch on my lap.

My eyes soon found Nora sauntering down the stairs I couldn't help my wandering eyes as it took in her figure in that dress wanting nothing more than to rip it off her.

I gazed around the room and realized my men were having the same thoughts as me making anger flare in me.

"And where do you think you're going dressed like that?" I asked my tone dripping with anger.

" To have a little fun" she said as she opened the front door and walked out not giving me a chance to reply.

"You like that baby?" I heard a whisper that made me shiver in disgust as I soon realized the situation I was in. Nora must have gotten the wrong impression.

I ripped her off me roughly making her land on the ground with a loud thud making her whimper softly.

"What did I tell I would do to you if you came back" I asked in a deadly tone making her gulp in fear. I couldn't help but smirk that's what I loved .fear.

"Lucas, Antonio carry her upstairs to the play room" I said as the two men stepped out immediately gripping her firmly and lifted her off the floor taking her upstairs as I followed closely behind.

Reaching the room I stepped in and took a seat on an armchair twirling my whiskey in my hands.

"Damien why are you doing this is it because of that cheap slut" she yelled with tears running down her nose profusely as my men chained her to the bed.

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