Chapter 65

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Nora's POV
I was surrounded by trees and saw a narrow footpath leading from the gate to God knows where and decided to follow it hoping it lead to the main road.
After walking for sometime, I jumped over a short fence and came across the main road.

Both sides of the road were deserted of cars with thick tall trees at both sides of the road. I decided to keep moving cos I haven't gone far from the lab I could still see it from where I stood.

I wasn't far from LA so I started my journey cursing my luck for not taking shoes.

The sound of an approaching vehicle coming from the labs direction made me on alert as this area were closed off for citizens.

A black Bugatti came into view and slowed down a little when it neared me. The windows were heavily tinted so I couldn't see who was inside.

The window at the backseat rolled down as a gun was pointed at me "Get in and no funny business" one of the securities from the lab said.
He opened the door and stepped out, pushing me in roughly and getting in behind me trapping me between him and another security at the other end.

No way in hell I'm going back there I thought as they revised the car. I swiftly brought out the dagger out from my inner thighs stabbing the guy who pointed the gun at me on the neck, shot the other two on the head and held the driver at gun point.

"Please don't kill me" he says shaking in fear.

"Get out" I gritted he wasted no time in getting out and running away.

I opened the door kicked the body blocking my way out of the car, stepped out, threw the other bodies out and drove back to the city.

I drove for hours as fast as I could to get back to San Francisco in time to stop Chelsea. When I reached my hotel it was already noon the next day. I slammed the brakes shut and dashed into the hotel.

"Hi please can you check if someone named Damien heist is still checked in" I said breathlessly.

The receptionists looked shocked at first but quickly recovered and started typing something into her laptop.

"Umm Miss Evans he has already checked out" she said making me curse. I muttered a quick apology to her and ran to my elevator and pressed my floor.

I didn't wait for the door to open completely before dashing to my penthouse. Everywhere looked cleaned up even the broken mug sitting on the floor when I was taken wasn't there anymore.

I ran into my room and thanked my stars when I saw my phone at the bedside table. I quickly unlocked the phone and dialed Damien's number which went straight to his voicemail.

I was about to call Williams number but froze when I stared at the date. Today's Saturday. He's supposed to get married today. I rummaged through my drawers for the invitation card and finally found it in the handbag I used on that day.

They were using the ballroom Mia used on her wedding. I grabbed my daggers and two of my guns, kept them in my cargo pockets and ran to the ballroom.

I pushed open the ballroom door and all eyes turned to me but I couldn't care less. Everyone was here except the bride and groom.

"Hello ma'am I don't think you're supposed to be here" a man in a suit came up to me. I don't really blame him for talking like that. I probably looked like a homeless person right now.

"Umm.. I'm the groom's ex wife and I wanted to give them my blessings before they get married" I said trying to be polite but he doesn't deserve it with the way he eyed me from top to bottom and scoffed.

"His wife was feeling a little lightheaded so he took her out for some fresh air. I actually think she's pregnant" he says trying to rub salt on my wounds.

"Where did they go?" I asked trying not to sound desperate.

"Something about a cliff with construction.. I really..." I didn't wait for him to finish and ran out of the hotel towards the back where the construction for the new restaurant and event hall was happening.

I slowed down when I reached the construction site but furrowed my brows in confusion when I couldn't find a single worker in site. I was getting closer to the cliff when a gunshot rang through the air.

I quickly increased my pace as the end of the cliff came into view but what I saw made my blood run cold. Damien stood by the very end of the cliff clutching a wound on his stomach as he stared at Chelsea in shock and hatred.

Both heads turned to me as Damien gave me a sad smile and Chelsea had a menacing smile on her which only made me realize I was crying and screaming his name.

He took one step back and slipped off the cliff but I was quick enough and grabbed his hand stopping him from falling into the huge river at the bottom.

"I've got you, you're gonna be fine" I said trying to pull him up but his weight only dragged me down

"You're so beautiful" he said with a sad smile as he used he's bloody hand to stroke my cheeks. "So beautiful" he murmured making me chuckle at his cheekiness.

A sharp pain came searing through my ankle making me release a painful scream as I felt myself slip further down followed by a cruel laugh from Chelsea. The bitch dug her heels into my ankle.

"Why don't I just kill you two together?" She said clearly enjoying watching us suffer.

"Fuck you" I screamed at her but snapped my attention back to Damien when I noticed his grip slipping from mine.

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