Chapter 58

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Nora's POV

They all stared at me with the same emotion written on all their faces. disdain, hate and ....surprise

When I stared at Damien's face filled with surprise and shock on seeing me there I knew immediately this was a setup.

I inhaled a breath and walked over to the table with my head held high and took a seat between Damien and William.

The tension was so thick in the room it could actually be sliced with a knife. All I want is to go through this dinner without any problems.

On cue the food was brought in and served on the table. We served ourselves and dug in.

"Oh my!! you guys look so good together"Marilyn said giving me a dirt glare. Chelsea giggled at her response and leaned closer to Damien.

"It's nice to see you finally getting married to someone of our class and fits right in our family" She said gushing at them but her words were clearly directed to me.

"My god you're so gorgeous both inside out. who wouldn't after all both your parents took care of you unlike some abandoned orp..." she couldn't finish her sentence cos she gasped in shock when i threw a cutlery knife at her which narrowly missed her head.

"Thanks for the lovely dinner but we'll be on our way now" i said standing up with William following tow.

"Oh and next time I won't miss" I said walking away.

We immediately got into the car without another word and drove off.

"You okay?" William asked turning to face me for a moment before turning his attention back on the road.

"yeah why wouldn't I be?" I said giving him a small smile. He didn't look convinced but didn't push further.

Suddenly a car came out of nowhere ramming into my side of the car with so much force that it sent the car flying. My instincts immediately kicked in and I shielded Williams body with mine.

The car tumbled a few times before finally landing upside down.

My vision was a little hazy followed by the loud ringing in my ear but that didn't faze me. I turned to my side for William to find him unconscious. I struggled and came out through the broken window before turning around for William.

I grabbed William by his shirt collar and hauled him out I breathed a sigh of relief as I was able to bring him out and took in his state.

He looked to be bleeding on his right hand but other than that he looked fine. Just unconscious.

I walked over to the car and fished for my purse. I brought it out fiddled through for my phone praying it wasn't ruined.

Once I found it I dialed 911 who picked after two rings.

"Please help there has been an accident at San Francisco intersect" I said and ended the call when they said they'll be there in a few minutes.

I carried William a little distance from the car before remembering the car that came in contact with ours.

I turned to the car to see it's front severely damaged along with smoke coming from the engine.

I got up and made my way to the car praying who ever was inside were alright.

I stopped in front of the drivers seat to see a young boy maybe in his twenties unconscious with his head on the staring and eyes closed.

I opened the drivers door and touched his neck to see if he was alive. Which he was.

I was about to get him out when his eyes snapped open. I took a cautious step back as I stared at his eyes.......they were silver like mine but a much lighter shade.

He stepped out snapping his neck left and right before turning to face me. "I was given strict others to bring you in, so I suggest you cooperate if you don't want to get hurt" he said staring me down.

Just by the few words he said I knew he wasn't the same level as me I could take him done in a heartbeat.

"And if I refuse?" I asked indulging in his game.

"Then I'll have to do it by force" he said lunging at me to throw a punch. I quickly side stepped him, kicking one of his knees making him fall on one knee.

He quickly regained his stance and launched himself again. This time I gave him a hard kick on his stomach that sent him flying until he landed on this car.

I walked over to where he laid to see him conscious. Wow was the kick that hard?.

I stared at the young boy with a sad smile. No one deserve this kind of life. So I grabbed his hand and sucked in whatever they injected in him to me.

He opened his eyes which had turned back to its dark color and gave me a huge smile before passing out again.

I looked at myself in the car mirror and sighed when I saw my eyes have gone so much darker.

I can take it all handle the demons but can they.

The sound of the ambulance siren brought me out of my thoughts as it parked near me and people came out and immediately got to work.

They helped William and the boy on the car onto a stretcher ushered me into the vehicle and we were off to the hospital.

They immediately got to work, ran series of tests on all of us to make sure we were fine before placing us in our wards.

I requested William and the boy to be placed in the same ward so I could watch them both properly.

The first person to wake up was the man who looked confused as hell as he sat up abruptly.

"Hey be careful you still need rest" I said giving him a small smile.

"Where am I?" He asked confused.

"You were in an accident with me and my brother over there but the doctors said you were fine just unconscious" i said and he nodded lying back down.

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