Chapter 68

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Nora's POV
     " I now declare this place open" I said cutting off the ribbon earning a round of applause from the massive crowd.

"Enjoy the party everyone" William screamed from beside me as people hoots and shouts followed behind him. After sometime I left his side to greet some faces I knew.

"I heard about the loss of your husband. I'm so sorry" one of the ladies I conversed with gave me side hug and smile which I replied to with one of my own.

It's been three months since Damien's disappearance and those were the hardest times of my life. I spent the first month wallowing in self pity until Lucas paid me a visit saying they held Damien's funeral that day .

I knew about it but I couldn't bring myself to go. A part of me wanted to believe he was still alive.

His will was read and he wrote my name as his next of kin, from his mafia down to his multi billion dollar business.

He trusted me enough to leave what he treasured most and I knew I couldn't let him down. I was able to keep the mafia running and it's still at the top. His business not so much. Turns out running a hotel and a furnishing company were two different things

William knew a lot about running that kind of business so I put him in charge of Damien's business and gave Melany Williams place in my company, while I focused on running the mafia and my hotel.

Which brings me to where I stand right now in the newly completed restaurant and event hall I was building when he died.

The news was released about the death of Damien which shocked the whole of California but what raised concerns was when I was announced as the new CEO of his company which raised a lot of alarm from citizens. So I had to make a press release telling them me and Damien were legally married. I dedicated the new addition of the hotel to him cos he deserved it and a lot more to come.

"Hey I'm pretty beat I'm gonna head home" I said pulling a slightly drunk William to the side.

"Do you want me to escort you back" He asked sobering up a little.

"No I'll be fine" I said tapping his forearm slightly and walked away. I stepped outside to find Lucas waiting for me outside the hotel.

"Good evening Mrs Von how was the party? " he greets respectfully helping me hold my purse.

"Evening Lucas. It was quite boring but okay nevertheless" I said with a smile while he just answers with a hum.

"An urgent meeting has been announced by the board of both companies" Lucas said making me halt my steps.

"Why wasn't I informed?" I asked with raised eyebrows.

"I was only informed myself a few minutes ago i think Mr William has also just received it as well" he said following behind me as I resumed walking.

"When's the meeting?" I asked thanking him when he presses the elevator for me.

"Tomorrow morning by 10am Mrs Von" he said as we step out of the elevator

"Hmm I'll be there" I said unlocking my door and stepping in.

"Goodnight Mrs Von" he said waiting for me to close the door before he goes.

"Goodnight Lucas" I say with a smile and lock the door behind me.

I open my eyes and glanced at the time which read 8:26am. I yawned tiredly and got off the bed to get ready for the meeting.

I shampooed my hair, showered, brushed my teeth and stepped out of the bathroom.

I slipped on a baggy white suit trouser, a white turtles neck crop top with a black blazer to top it off.

I curled my hair applied some light makeup, slid on my black heels, carried my black handbag, phone keycard and left the penthouse.

I stepped outside my penthouse to find Lucas already waiting by the elevator.

"Good morning Mrs Von" he said taking my handbag off my hand.

"Good morning Lucas " I said with a smile. He pressed the floor where the meeting was held
and stood a few steps behind me. When the door pinged open he waited for me to step out before following a few steps behind me.

"Lucas. The time" I ask as I approached the board room.

"9:58 Mrs Von" he says walking ahead of me and opened the door for me. I gave him a thankful smile and stepped into the room with a stoic expression.

I went to my seat at the head of the table with William and Melany by my sides with the same expression on their faces.

"Please tell me there is a reason for this urgent meeting or someone's getting fired" I said making them gulp cos they know i don't make empty threats.

"There are some concerns being raised in the company" one of them said sweating profusely. I just arched an eyebrow telling him to elaborate.

"Some people did some digging about you and found out you aren't qualified by certification to lead this company you don't even have a high school certificate" another one spoke boldly.

"So. I've been running the company just fine without those papers" I said calmly but they didn't look convinced.

"So what do you want to do about it?" I asked leaning back into my seat.

"Go to school, get your high school diploma and we'll leave you alone" another spoke up.

"No" I answered.

"You either do that or we'll elect another CEO" they said with a tone of finality making me grit my teeth in anger.

"Fine" I say glancing at William who was enjoying the show.

"You too Mr William" one of them said bursting his bubble. Williams face went as white as sheet as he visibly gulped.

"Don't worry. you kids will be enrolled in the finest school in the city it will be over before you know it. Leave it to us" another said with a reassuring smile.

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