Chapter 55

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Nora POV

"You always come see me when something's really bugging you, so spill" he said making me sigh. He knows me so well.

"I'm nervous" I said looking down at my fingers

"About?" He asked with raised eyebrows.

"Meeting his new wife what if she's better than me" I said biting my lip.

"If that dickhead thinks his fake plastic barbie doll is better than you then he's dumber than I thought" he said with all seriousness making me crackle.

"You're so much more than you think. When are you going to see yourself the way others see you" he said tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I'm extremely lucky to have you in my life" I said giving him a hug he chuckled and hugged me back.

"Ew you stink" I said pushing him off me and crunching my face in disgust

"I do? I don't smell anything" he said sniffing his armpit.

"Go you're so gross" I said pushing him into the bedroom.

I called room service and within minutes they came and started cleaning the condo.

William came out once the room service were done with the living room so they went to take care of the bedroom and Kitchen.

"Since you still have time before going to meet your ex husbands fiancée Why don't we watch a movie" William said lying his head on my lap.

"Sure" I said he hopped off my lap went to get some snacks and flipped on Netflix on his tv.

"What do you wanna watch?" He asked flicking through movies.

"Ginny and Georgia" I said grinning.

"Uhh" he groaned but still clicked the movie.

Halfway through the first episode of the second season William couldn't take his eyes off the screen which made me chuckle.

We stayed on the couch watching movies and eating snacks for hours until the time was a few minutes to one.

"William it's time I gotta go" I said feeling my stomach drop.

"Okay call me when ya done okay?" He said grabbing my hand and giving it a light squeeze. I nodded my head as a reply grabbed my handbag for of the couch and left.

My tummy did a flip when I went into the elevator and not the good kind. I couldn't help my nervousness which increased with every step i took.

I inhaled a breath when I reached the front of the diner. I gave myself some pep talk and rested my palm on the glass door to push it open.

"I can't do it" I muttered stepping away from the door. it's gonna hurt a lot.

I finally grabbed enough courage so oupushed the door and went in.

My eyes scanned the diner until my eyes meet his as he waved me over.

I walked over to where he and his fiancée were sitting and plastered a fake smile I practiced so hard on the mirror on.

"Hey" I said sliding into the booth sitting opposite them.

"Hey Nora this is Chelsea my fiancée Chelsea my ex wife Nora" Damien said with a huge grin. I couldn't help the pang of hurt I felt when he called me his Ex

"Hi it's so nice to see you Damien had told me so much about you" she said with a genuine smile but I still gave her my forced smile.

Damien waved a waiter over and we took turns ordering.

"Bae it's noon and you want to drink coffee" Damien asked with a teasing smile making her roll her eyes.

"So?" She said making Damien chuckle.

I just blocked everything else they said and took my time to observe her well.

She was the girl I saw with Damien and she was a brunette with brown eyes average features but she still looked pretty.

"Are you a scientist?" I asked bluntly catching both of them off guard.

"No I'm actually an architect why do you ask?" She said suspiciously.

I was about to answer but the waiter came back with the food so I decided to drop it. something wasn't adding up.

We immediately dug in as Damien and Chelsea bickered around throwing questions occasionally at me so I wouldn't feel left out. They really looked like the perfect couple.

Damien and Chelsea were laughing hysterically at something as Chelsea reached forward to grab her coffee mug but knocked it down spilling the hot coffee on my hand.

"Are you okay?" Damien asked grabbing a handkerchief from his pocket and using it to wrap my hand.

"Yeah" I mumbled.

"Shit I'm so sorry I'm so sorry" Chelsea said apologizing continuously.

"It's fine I've gotta go" I said grabbing my handbag brushed past Damien and left.

I got into the elevator and rested my back on the wall with a sigh I unwrapped the cloth on my hand to see the hand had already healed.

I sighed stuffed the cloth into my handbag and left the elevator.

I slid my keycard over the door and stepped in

"Hello bitch" William said standing in the middle of the living room.

"Aren't you supposed to be in the office or something" I asked going into the kitchen.

"Yeah. The land behind the resort you know that cliff with the beautiful view of the waterfall" He said massaging my shoulder.

"Yeah?" I said

"I pulled a few strings and the land is yours" he said taking a tub of ice cream from the fridge.

"Really that's great" I said excitedly.

"Yeah tomorrow we're going go to take a look at the land with bob and see what it can be used for" he said shoving a spoon of ice cream into his mouth.

"What time?" I asked rummaging through the cabinet for something to eat.

"By ten tomorrow" he wanted to ask something else but a message popped into his phone making him curse.

"Shit Nora I gotta go don't forget be ready by ten" he said rushing out of my penthouse. I just shrugged and prepared myself dinner.

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