Chapter 66

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Nora's POV
I snapped my attention back to Damien when I noticed his grip slipping from mine to find him already staring at me with nothing but love and.... Sadness in his eyes.

"What are you doing?" I asked not liking the look he was giving me.

"Baby you've got to let go" he said giving me sad smile.

"No you're gonna be fine, we're gonna be fine" I said shaking my head at him but I still felt myself slipping.

I was already halfway off the cliff now so I had to remove one of my hand holding onto Damien to help support my hand which only made his grip slip further.

"No no you're not leaving me" I screamed trying to pull him.

"Baby baby listen, I love you and I always will don't hold onto me forever move on and be happy" he said choking in a sob.

"No you're not going anywhere" I said still trying to pull him up

"Hmm" he murmured using his other hand to hold on so he couldn't fall making me smile.

"I love you baby" he said

" i love you too" I said making him smile widely which made me smile too but it fell when he held onto hand pried his other hand off my grip and let go.

I let out the most heart wrenching scream I could ever muster as I watched him fall further and further away until I heard a small splash.

"Mrs Von" my head snapped behind me as I stared at Chelsea who was crying faking victim to Lucas and two other guys with him. Lucas gaze flicked to me and Chelsea confusedly but I couldn't care less about what they thought right now.

I adjusted myself and was about to jump off the cliff to help Damien but a grip caught my forearm. I turned my gaze to who was holding me to find Lucas looking at me worriedly.

"Lucas please let me go Damien needs help he's been shot he's down there" I said trying to tuck his hand off me.

"I'll do it... tie Chelsea up and take her back to our warehouse for questioning" he said and jumped off the cliff.

"No you've got it all wrong she's the one that's supposed to be tied up" she said trashing around as she is dragged to an awaiting vehicle.

I sat there waiting I don't know how long but I stayed hoping and praying Lucas comes back with him.


I heard footsteps approaching and turned to find a soaked Lucas approaching with his head casts down. I rushed to get up from where I was sitting and approached him.

"Did you find him?" I asked with my eyes shining with hope. He looks at me and shakes his head as tears ran down his cheeks. His eyes which were red and swollen like mine from all the crying.

I burst into tears again unable to hold it in as Lucas embraces me tapping my back soothingly.

"Nora Nora" I heard from behind Lucas I shifted to the side to see William running towards us as relief washes over his face.

Not caring about anything I ran towards my best friend hugging him tightly as I cried into his chest.

"William... Damien he.... Shot" I said trying to form words.

"Shh he's fine we're gonna find him" he said tapping my back lightly.

"Umm.. Mrs Von" Lucas says clearing his throat awkwardly.

"We'll need you to come with us back to the warehouse we have a lot of things to do" he said with a raspy voice from all the crying.

I nodded my head and let him lead the way dragging William along. We got into a vehicle and drove off to the warehouse.

"Can we go see Chelsea there are something's I want to get off my chest" I asked as we stepped into the warehouse. Everyone we passed by looked at me in either shock or awe. I don't blame them really I was supposed to be dead but here I am.

"Get some rest first" he said pushing open a door revealing a bedroom and walked away.

"Nora I know now's not the right time and you're probably going through a lot but can you please tell me what the fuck is going on?" William asked taking a seat on the bed.

With a sigh I took a seat near him narrating everything from how me and Damien met to this point.

"Wait let me get this you're some kind of science experiment and you got blackmailed to go back to the lab and Damien wouldn't get hurt" He asked looking unsure.

"Yep" I said popping the p

"Okay" he said running his hands through his hair.

"You don't believe me do you?" I asked fiddling with my nails. A chuckle coming from my side made me snap my gaze at him "what's so funny?" I said with a pout.

"Trust me if you told me you have wings I would believe you" he said with a wide grin but I couldn't bring myself to smile.

"Get some rest we'll talk later" he said ruffling me hair making me swat his hands away. I crawled onto the bed and sank into the sheet as William excused himself so he could make a phone call.

I just laid there staring blankly at the wall before I closed my eyes and drifted off to a very light slumber.

I opened my eyes taking in my surrounding to see that the sun had already set. I turned to my side and stared at William snoring slightly in his sleep.

I made a move to wake him but decided not to. he looked like he hadn't slept in a while, I must have put a lot of pressure on him.

I got off the bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

I stepped out of the bathroom and went over to the closet hopping to find something I could wear in there but ended up sobbing hysterically when I opened the closet.

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