Chapter 23

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Nora's POV
We drove for about an hour before pulling up in front of the gate of an estate.

A guard came up to the drivers side. Damien rolled down the glass so he could get a view of him.The guard bowed respectfully whispered something into his earpiece and stepped back.

The gate was pushed open as Damien rolled the window back up and drove in.

We drove for a few minutes before pulling up in front of a huge mansion. Huge was an understatement.

I was too busy admiring the mansion I didn't realize when Damien got out,made his way around and opened my door for me.

I stepped out giving him a thankful smile which he returned.

We walked over to the front door and rang the doorbell.After a few minutes a boy who would be a few years younger than Damien answered it.

He eyed me and Damien wearily. His gaze staying on me longer than necessary but said nothing and stepped aside for us.

Damien ushered me in first placing a hand on my back as he guided me in. He shut the door behind us and wondered off to God knew where.

"Nice of you to join us Son" we both heard a voice and turned our head to a Middle aged man who looked a lot like Damien coming down the grand staircase.

"Good evening Dad" Damien said plainly.

"Is this your lovely bride?" He asked with a smile "This is Nora my wife" he said. I just offered him a forced smile which he returned.

"Come let's meet the rest" he said leading us to the dining room.

Once we stepped in we were greeted by a woman with dark hair parked into a neat bun. She looked to be a little older than Damien but I knew otherwise as I had already done my research about all of them. She's Damien's stepmom.

The lady gave me disgusted look before smiling fondly at Damien. "Hi dear how you doing?" She asked with a loving smile on her face "hmm" he replied not giving her much of a glance. He pulled a chair out for me and took a seat next to me.

Damien's father sat at the head of the table with his wife next to him as the maids brought out the food and placed them on the table.

Soon after, his son came done and took a seat next to his father with his daughter who looked to be around my age and that blonde bimbo followed tow taking a seat opposite Damien and I.

"Let's make a toast" his father said clinging his wine glass with a fork " To Damien's Marriage" he said raising his glass up as we repeated the same thing clinging our glasses together and took sips of our wine before we started eating.

I never really liked eating outside so I just pushed my food around and took small bites.

All the while I could feel someone throwing daggers at me but chose to ignore it.

I felt Damien stiffen near me. I glanced at him with raised eyebrow and a questioning look but he just shook his head and gave me a little smile.

"So Nora what do your parents do for a living?" Damien stepmom who I found out her name was Marilyn asked.

Damien placed a hand on my thigh giving it a light squeeze of encouragement. He was about to answer for me but I beat him to it.

"my mothers late and my fathers missing" I said with no emotion staring challengingly into her eyes but she quickly averted her gaze and focused on her food making me smirk. The table went silent after that.

I turned my attention to Damien who was busy glaring daggers at the blonde bimbo sitting opposite him. She batted her lash extensions that looked as fake as her boob implant.

I was wondering why the tension between the two of them until I felt it myself. I felt a leg rub against mine trialing it up my thighs seductively making me stiffen. So that's what she's been doing.

Damien's dad and Marilyn soon excused themselves as they had an important call to make.

I sneaked a glance at Damien who looked nothing but uncomfortable "So Damien has she been able to take care of you sexually?" Miss bimbo asked out of the blue catching Damien off guard, he choked on the steak he had in his mouth.

I rubbed his back soothingly as his cough soon died down but Damien chose to ignore her.

"If you need anything I'm always available, anything at all"she said winking seductively as she placed her hands on the table in an attempt to reach him".

Without thinking I reached for a dagger in my strap and stabbed her hand on the table. Her ear piercings scream filling the room.

"The next time you try to touch what's mine, I'll make sure you never touch anything again" I said pushing the knife deeper making her scream louder in pain.

I used this time to survey around the room. I noticed the maids peeping from the kitchen in fear.

Damien's sister who hadn't said a word since the whole dinner was at the other end of the room looking scared.

Marco Damien's brother approached me cautiously telling me to calm down but I pushed the knife further, her screams intensifying making Marco freeze.

I finally turned by gaze to Damien who just sat there calmly with a smirk on his face making a sadistic smile spread on my own face.

"What's going on here?" I turned my gaze to see Damien's dad and stepmom running into the room but froze as they took in the scene before them.

"Oh nothing just teaching someone a little lesson" I said with the same sadistic smile on my face. I pulled the knife out wiping the blood on the sleeve of her dress as she collapsed on the chair cradling her wounded hand.

"I'll be in the car" I said strapping the knife back on my thighs glanced at everyone one last time and strolled out with Damien following closely behind.

"Well that was eventful" Damien muttered as we drove out of the estate.

"Tell me about it" I said tiredly.

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