A brief message from the author

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Soooo...ahm, I started writing an update for Lost In His World but failed to finish it today. I just can't seem to think of how I'm going to write the next chapter. It MIGHT take me a few more days to finish it (I'm hoping I can finish it by tomorrow). I think I'm having a mild case of a writer's block. -_- I know a lot of you have been waiting for the next chapter and I'm feeling a little guilty for making you wait 3 weeks.

So let me at least give you a VERY short excerpt from the next chapter. Well, actually I'm not sure yet if this part will end up in the next chapter or the one after that. Also, I might still tweak this part depending on how the chapter would go as I write it.


             I felt my eyes welled as I stared back at him. He’s panting as if it was too hard for him to utter those words. I bitterly shut my eyes tight to squeeze the unwanted tears out and turned to ran away from him.

            “Mika!” I heard him call but I didn’t stop. I ran and ran away from the man that I have been secretly in love with. I ran pass the royal guards and pass the vicinity of the enormous garden. I knew I was heading towards the forest and out of the safety of the palace garden, but I didn’t care. I wasn’t thinking rationally but I couldn’t care less. I needed to get away. I couldn’t handle any more pain and I needed to escape.

               Suddenly, I tripped on something and fell on the snow. I was able to brace myself so my face didn’t burry in the ice. Slowly, I got up and held on to the nearby tree and continued to cry. I only involuntarily stopped when I felt the ground trembled and I gasped in surprise.

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