What readers are saying

9.8K 95 24

"This is seriously the BEST STORY I ever read and I can't believe why I still can't see your stories in a bookstore! You're a very good author and I hope you'll update soon. Good luck in your stories! :))"


“Awesome story!!!!! I love it so far!!! I can't wait to read more!! Keep Going!!! ;)”


“Please Please Please upload a ew chapter ASAP this story is really good.”


“One of my friends told me about this story, at first I couldn't find it but today I was looking up 'sasuke fan fiction' and I FOUND IT!!!!!! XD lol I love this story!!!!! I can't wait till the next chapter! U r an awsome writer!!!”

 “Ahhhhhhh!!!!!! I love it! I did a little happy dance it was that awsome :)  sorry that I haven't bin commenting but I've caough back up to the story! But anyway it was a grate chapter can wait for the next one!”


“I love your story! It's one of the best ones I've ever read! I can't wait for the next update!


“AHHHH! You must write more! This is so interesting!”


“I like how the words are constructed..... it's like I was just reading a manga in wattpad... you're cool! ^_^  it's like a piece of naruto's episodes.... hahha!”


“EMEGHED!this story is getting crazier and crazier and i just love it...Can't wait for the next update!!>o


“Luv this book please write it till the end.. pretty please..... I can't wait for nother chapter >.<”


"Whoa i really enjoy the story.pls add the nxt chap pls.im very xcited to know will happen to their mission,and what's wrong with that two princess,the older princess.look like she hate the konoha ninja,2 thumbs up author! What a nice story,i really like it,


"OMG OMG OMG OMG That was getting so freaking good. Ok ok you have to update soon or I'm going to die. Seriously o-o Oh ma freaking god! That was awesome eeep ^w^! "

"Hot daamn so intense, that cliff hanger. D: Now you really gotta update and quickly or I'm gonnna diieee. >:( .Loved this chapter soo muchly. ^.^ "


"well, author!! you're a genius!!"


"dont make us wait long!..please dont deprive us from ur good writing.update soon!:):)"


"Love love love love love this  book! but arrrgggghh i hate cliff hangers :c probably wont be long until the next update tho kukuku~"


"This is awesome. Something I've wanted to read. Thanks so much can't wait for the next chapter."


"Lmao! This story is too good to be true! A real page turner!! Trouble lurking around every corner! I'm so excited and I can't wait till you continue! XP "


Aww, I love this story! It's actually unpredictable, unlike other stuff out there. :/ PLEASE UPDATE AS FAST AS SASUKE CAN HOP OFF TREES!


The way you went about this whole story is interesting and very unique. Can't wait for the next chapter. :)

Lost in His World (A Sasuke Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon