Chapter 57: Off into the Unknown II

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I passed through the gate on the far side of town, stepping though the gate again felt like stepping into a sauna, humid and muggy. My only goal was the explore a bit and gather money for better gear.

At this point in the game, I have to try to get as strong as I can as fast as I can. Though to do that and survive, would without a doubt be a risky move. Either way I needed money and without the ability to level up, improving gear was the best I could do.

I walked around for a bit baiting monsters one at a time to take them out. I wasn't sure how long I had done this for but when I had stopped to take in all of my surroundings I had stumbled across some ruins.

Against my better judgement I went in. I would have to stay as careful as I could. At this point I just wanted to map the area a bit more.

No harm in that right?

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