Chapter 197: Boss - Kulu of the Pyre Forest II

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After chanting for a few moments, the boss slammed down the energy that had amassed above itself. Groups of phantom like creatures erupted from the ground. Each started flying toward us slowly. Each that hit us increased our «insight» by one point while doing a small amounts of damage.

We dodged trying to avoid the phantoms till they either struck something and or dissipated.

We went on the offensive, Xuelian closed the gap throwing punches and kicks that leave a person reeling in pain.

I moved in close switching to my dagger, getting in three hits to the boss's back. After the third hit I rolled backwards avoiding a claw attack that hit a 360° arc.

As I jumped back to regain my stamina, Xuelian jumped in to hit the boss with another jab combo.

The boss instantly jumped back landing on all fours, reared up and roared loudly. The sound of its voice made my head ring from the pain, but worst of all in the corner of my eye I saw a bar appear.

An «insanity meter».

The boss had unleashed a roar that caused «insanity» to build up.

This could make the fight troublesome.

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