Chapter 99: An Ambush

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The «NPC» was a girl named Holly, she explained that she was attacked by [Kobolds], and she asked us to escort her back to town.

A prompt appeared in front of me.

[Quest: Escort Holly to town – Accept: Yes/No]

The two of us looked at each other and nodded.

I pushed yes on the prompt.

The «NPC» thanked us. Immediately we turned and started moving toward the town. Along the way we ran into several groups of kobolds.

We managed to stave off each attack. Somehow, we managed to stay alive through each attack, while defending holly. It wasn't easy but thankfully she herself had potion to restore our «HP».

We managed to make though most of the forest, to where the town was in sight.

"There it is just a bit further," I pointed ahead.

Then through the trees a group of Kobolds jumped out in front of us and behind us. The was about twenty all together.

We were surrounded.

"Well, can't really get away, you ready for this."

"Ready as I can be" Xuelian replied bringing her shield up.

I brought my weapons to the ready to fight.

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