Chapter 195: Kulu of the Pyre Forest

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Xuelian and I pushed open the door.

The entire room was dark. A dim light cut through the darkness. From what I could tell, the room was large enough to move unencumbered.

From the back of the room, I could hear the sounds of something chewing. Looking towards the direction of the sounds, I saw something large hidden in the shadows.

"Xuelian, what is that?"

"I don't know," she replied drawing her weapons

We both inched closer. After a few steps in the doors slammed shut. The light from outside was gone. We could hear the creature in the room shuffle around quickly.

The creature roared loudly, suddenly candles all around the room lit up.

The creature was massive it looked to be about twelve feet tall, and bulky like a bear. It had long, red hair that was matted and coated with grime and filth. It's body was covered in scale like sores. It's face was fox-like in appearance. Under its arms was another pair of arms that looked to be growing from its side. The weirdest feature was its feet that looked to be backwards.

Over the creature, its name appeared as {Kulu of the Pyre forest}.

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