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Thank you to those that read my first two chapters I appreciate it


Brian and Freddie head back inside and Freddie apologizes for his abrupt leave. "That's alright Mr Mercury, it's a lot to take in." Sally smiles reassuringly stroking one of the cats that had ventured onto her lap.

He sits in his previous seat running a hand through his hair sighing, "if I take her in, what would the process be?"

"If you agree I'd need to do a quick assessment of your flat, make sure it's suitable. Then you would have to come up to the hospital to meet her. Miss James and her boyfriend have been found guilty of drug possession, child neglect and child abuse, they will serve between 10-15 years in prison. If you take her in we can arrange that the mother has no access to the child after her release." She explains looking through her notes.

"I'm assuming her mother at least gave the child a name?" Freddie tries to look over her shoulder at the notes

"Yes her name is Amelia James, born on the 3rd September 1969 so she'll be three this year. Her surname can be changed if you wish it." The woman silently prays that this is a good sign.

"Pretty name and practically the same birthday as me, that will have to be quite the party, Darlings." Smiling brightly Freddie had made his mind up. "I'm happy to take her in but I'd like to meet her first and I'd need a few days to get thing ready before she can move in. Are you alright with this my dear?" He turns to Mary knowing it would impact her life too.

Mary was happy he'd made this decision, "Of course I'm alright with it, she's your daughter, I'll support you in this. We'll have to have two party's one for each birthday." His smile widens kissing her cheek lovingly, thanking her.

"Of course, we won't just throw you in at the deep end and watch to see if you fail. I'm here to help the transition go as smoothly as possible if you need anything just ask me. Now," Sally closes her file a stands up, "if I can just do a quick assessment of your apartment, then we can head up to the hospital."

Freddie shows Sally around the place and the spare room that would Amelia's bedroom, it's just a storage room at the moment.

Sally left for the hospital telling him she'd meet them there.

John and Brian left saying they be back tomorrow to help with the room while Roger offers Freddie a lift to the hospital. It was just the two of them going, Mary wanted to come and meet the girl but she had to work.


Arriving at the hospital the two make their way to the ward after Freddie stops at the little shop insisting he buys her a teddy.

Sally was waiting for them at the ward reception and took them to the girl's room. She stops them outside a window that looks in the room.

A little girl is laying under the covers on the bed that practically swallows her up she was that small, a nurse is reading quietly next to her.

The girl's body is covered in sickening bruises, bandages and wires that monitor her vital signs.

Freddie just stares at her, he suddenly felt sick and nervous, hands clammy around the cat teddy he's holding.

Roger took the words right out of his mouth, "she's so small." He spoke so quietly he wasn't sure they heard him, but Freddie nods in agreement.

"That's mostly due to her being malnourished, when I got here I found out that the mother only fed her small amounts every three days just to keep her alive. Once she starts eating she will grow. The doctors are feeding her small amounts every few hours to get her stomach use to food. They also managed to remove all the needles from her body and there's no internal injures. Shall we go in?" Sally opens the door leading them in.

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