New Adventure

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The second week of December saw the band return from the European leg of there tour for the Christmas holidays. Roger and John were going home this year to see there family's, so it was just Brian joining them Christmas day.

Freddie has a very big surprise for Amelia this year, now sat in front of the Christmas tree he is just as excited about opening presents as she is.

The first present was a kids suitcase and the second, a passport. Amelia gave her dad a confused look, "why do I need a passport? Are we going on holiday?"

"Sort of yeah. You know how you have been pestering me for the last few years to come on tour?" He grins at her excited nod, "well when we go back on tour for the American leg in February, you... are coming with us."

"Really! I can come?" She bounces in her seat, like a firework about to take off.

"Yes, you can come," Freddie is knocked backwards in his seat when Amelia tackles him in a hug.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" There's a knock at the door signalling Brian's arrival, Amelia races to open the door before Mary is even out of her seat.

"I'm coming to America!" Is the greeting Brian receives, she bounces on the balls of her feet given him a hug around the waist as he tries to get in the door.

"Merry Christmas to you too Milly," He puts his stuff by the door, freeing his hands to pick the bouncy girl up, "And I know because it was me and Roger who gave your dad the idea."

"What about school?" Mary pipes up, she is happy for Amelia but also concerned for her education.

Freddie explains how it will work, "I spoke to school first and they said at because Amelia is doing so well within her classes and is more advanced, they are happy for her to go but they will be giving her a pack with schoolwork in to take with her. Which is fine because it will give her something to do on the tour bus."

Brian knew that Amelia is a clever girl so her grades wouldn't suffer and I worst come to worst he could help her, he was a math teacher before the band took off, "Oh and I do believe that if you are good during the trip there will be a reward."

Amelia eyes widen even more, if that was possible, "What's the reward?"

"That is a secret." Freddie chuckles at her pouty face.


A lot happened between Christmas day and the beginning of February. John had taken Veronica with him over Christmas to meet his mum.

Their relationship has 'blossomed' during the tour and they are now expecting a baby. On the 18th January, John and Veronica tied the knot at a registry office in London. The wedding was a small private affair, including John's mum, Freddie, Mary and Amelia, Roger, Brian and Brian's new girlfriend Chrissie.

On the 3rd February at 4:30 am, Mary carries a sleepy Amelia downstairs to the minibus, Freddie trailing behind them with their suitcases.

Kissing Amelia's forehead Mary passes her to Roger who clips her into her booster seat next to Brian.

Mary has an early shift so couldn't go to the airport to see them off. She gave Freddie a hug and kiss before he climbs in the back next to Amelia, while Roger and Paul sit in front.

When they pick John up, Freddie takes the spare seat up front next to Roger and John takes Freddie seat.

Freddie falls into a quiet conversation with Paul and Roger, it's the only noise to be heard throughout the bus.

But out of nowhere, Amelia decided to ask a question relating to a thought that sparked to life when John got in, "Daddy?"

"Yes, sweetheart?" Freddie turns round in his seat, letting the other two continue the conversation.

"Where do babies come from?" The whole bus plunges into complete silence, you could hear a pin drop.

Freddie didn't know how to answer that one, of course, he knew the answer but not how to tell his daughter, "Um... Why do you what to know?"

"Because uncle Deaky said that he and aunt V are having a baby but it wouldn't be here until July." Freddie glares at John who averts his gaze out the window, face flushing bright red, fully aware that this was his fault.

"Right well, um... I tell you what, why don't you ask uncle Brian. He claims he knows everything about anything."

The smug smirk on Brian's face switches places with Freddie's rabbit in the headlights look, as Amelia looks up at him for the answer. A blush crosses his face too.

Roger and Paul sat up front snickering like to naughty schoolboys along with the driver who tried to keep a straight face and stay professional.

Thankfully they pull up outside the airport so Brian doesn't have to answer.


Once they get through check-in and security they have 20 minutes to kill until they can board the plane.

Amelia had become very nervous by this point so to keep her occupied Roger took her over to the window to watch the planes.

She watched through the window, seeing lots of other people getting on the different planes and it calmed her down a bit.

Roger held her on his hip, "You see there's nothing to be worried about, thousands of people go on planes every day. Your safe Milly." She gave him a side look still unsure but doesn't say anything just stares out the window.

When Paul tells them it's time to go, Amelia, tighten her grip on Roger and Hedgehog.

On the plane, Amelia sat between Roger and Freddie with Brian, John and Paul sat in front.

"Did you want to sit by the window Milly, you'll be able to see the clouds when we get high enough," She shakes her head at her dads offer.

"No cause if we crash I'll see the ground coming first." Freddie was unsure who had told his daughter about plane crashes but they were in big trouble.

He didn't have to look very far to find the guilty culprit. Brian was giving Freddie an apologetic look over the back of his seat. Freddie glared at him in return. "What did you tell her that for?"

Brian holds his hands up in surrender, "It slipped out."

"Milly ignores whatever Brian told you coz he is a moron, we are not going to crash. I promise." Roger gave her a pinky promise, it was their thing and it always seems to work.

The air stewardess asks the plane to buckle up and prepare for take-off, Freddie makes sure Amelia belt is secure, then she grabs his and Roger's hand tightly as the plane took off keeping her eyes tight shut.

When to plane finally levels out in the air and the turbulence stops, Amelia feels brave enough to open her eyes and look out the window.

"Wow!" Like her dad had said, she could see the clouds and if you look hard enough you could see the retreating outline of London.

I've never been on a plane so I have zero experience with flying and airports, so I apologize if it's wrong.

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