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*Warning contains suggested smut* and another long chapter too.

After finishing her last exam on the Tuesday, Amelia spent the last few days of school enjoying the feeling of being young and free. She is well aware that after school finishes it's full steam ahead to the meeting in August and from there, Fallen Angelz will be busy recording and hopefully touring.

The last day of school arrived and Amelia felt very emotional sat in the year 11 leaver's assembly. The year 11's finish at lunchtime so that everyone can go home and get ready for prom tonight

Amelia sat between her friends, Jessica to her right with Gwilym and next to him is Brianna. To Amelia's left is Ben holding her hand and Rosie next to him.

Mr Richards is concluding his speech, "You year 11's have made this school proud. As you go forth into the world finding your career, make sure to take your friends with you. You'll need them. The world is both scary and beautiful. You'll need friends to laugh and cry with, there will be some that get left behind along your journey or some that take the opposite direction and become more than friends." Ben squeezes her hand at the headteacher's statement.

"When you look back on your high school chapter, years from now you will cherish them. For some of the strongest friendships start in school and last an eternity." Jessica takes her other hand.

The school bell rings and the entire year group cheers, Mr Richard speaks up once more, "Go forward from today and make this school proud. Remember exam results day in the 23rd August and we will see you all tonight."

All the year 11's take there time saying goodbye to one another and some of the teachers, Amelia pulls Rosie, Brianna and Jessica over to Mr Matthews, "Mr Matthews?"

"Hello, girls."

"We want to thank you for helping Fallen Angelz come together. If we hadn't had this time in school to prepare we would never be ready for that meeting in August."

He beams, "Your very welcome girls I feel honoured to have been part of the worlds next biggest rock band. You can be sure that I will be at your first concert."

"Thank you, sir," came as a chorus from the four of them and they went back to their chairs to collect their things. The four girls form a group hug, Ben and Gwilym join them and then out of nowhere one by one the entire year 11 group form a massive group hug.

When everyone pulls away, Amelia has emotional tears running down her face as did Jessica and many of the other girls. They finally start to make there way out of school.


Amelia's POV

When I got home I open the front door and laugh at the big banner in the hallway that reads, 'Your Free!!!'

In the living room, I find dad and Jim, Brian and Chrissie, John and Veronica and Roger and Dominique sat chatting away, "What are you all doing here?" I asked sitting next to Brian.

Veronica beams, "It's your prom night, we don't want to see pictures after we want to see the real thing. Chrissie, Dom and I are here to help you and the girls get ready."

Brianna, Rosie and Jessica are getting ready here then Ben and Gwilym meeting us here once they are ready, prom starts at 7:30 pm.

The girls would be coming with their parents so they will have plenty of help getting ready.

Jim will be doing our hair since he is a hairdresser and I'm doing the make-up. At half-past four, Rosie arrives first without her parents, "No mum and dad?" I ask frowning.

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