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I'm back! Thank you for your lovely messages I'm feeling a lot better.

Amelia's POV

The morning of the wedding seemed to come around in the blink of an eye, I woke to a knock at the door. The bridal party stayed at the wedding venue the night before so I wasn't surprised to find Veronica at the door with breakfast, "Morning sweety, I know it's still early but I thought you might appreciate a quiet breakfast before the chaos begins."

"Thank you, V," I'd asked her to step into the role of mother of the bride and she is taking it very seriously.

She placed the tray on my bed and sat with me while I ate quietly, "I know you've not long woke up but you're quieter than normal what's up? Is it the wedding?"

"No, I am excited to be Ben's wife that's not what's troubling me. My thoughts keep drifting to dad. The last few months seem to have flown by, I know that after the wedding things will move even quicker and I don't want that because the more life keeps going the more ill my dad gets. I'm not ready to lose him," I sniff, sad tears leaking from my eyes.

I grab a tissue from the box Veronica offers and continue, "I look forward to my future with Ben, I do but that future doesn't have my dad in it." Veronica let me cry on her shoulder hugging me tight, "sorry I don't mean to cry like this, I just can't let it out around dad because I know he doesn't want me to be sad about it."

"You know it's very normal for the bride to cry at least once in the few hours before her wedding, it's an emotional thing but Freddie being ill makes it all the more emotional. However use these moments to cherish the time you have left with your dad, the pictures will be everlasting. I know doesn't it won't be the same but they will help. Do you want me to go get him?"

"No, I'm okay now I just needed to let it out. Thank you." I wipe away my tears and finish my breakfast when Rosie, Jessica and Brianna arrive with Dominique and Mary. Chrissie is watching Laura and Louisa and getting them ready in a separate room so they don't get stepped on.

Brian and Chrissie's divorce ended up being quite civil for the sake of the children so they are both at the wedding.

The room turns to happy chaos, hair, make-up being done and photos being taken.

The wedding ceremony starts at half eleven and as Veronica does up the last of the buttons on my wedding dress there is a knock on the door, it's Chrissie with Louisa and Laura, they look so cute in their dresses.

The wedding ceremony starts at half eleven and as Veronica does up the last of the buttons on my wedding dress there is a knock on the door, it's Chrissie with Louisa and Laura, they look so cute in their dresses

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"Aw, you girls look so pretty."

They both giggle, "Not as pretty as you, you look like a princess," Laura comments as my dad walks through the door.

"She looks like a Queen," He beams tears in his eyes.

End of Amelia's POV

Freddie came through the door that Chrissie is still holding open looking at his beautiful daughter. Chrissie, Dominique and Mary leave to go find their seats while he pulls Amelia out onto the room's balcony for a private moment, "You really do look like a Queen but I believe your missing something?"

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