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Feeling a bit down today knowing that I am going back to work tomorrow after having a week off, it always gets me down. The one thing that always cheers me up is updating my story so you are getting another double update.

By April, Freddie and Amelia's relationship is almost as strong as it used to be and they are back to their normal routine. April also saw the release of Freddie's solo album, Mr Bad Guy. The second solo album has been put on hold for a while.

However today Freddie is fulfilling one of the promises to Amelia, he's meeting Ben properly and this time there's no Brian, John or Roger.

Amelia's POV

Ben had agreed to come for dinner when I had asked him last week but as we sat on the tube home from school I could see his knees bouncing nervously.

I placed my hand in his to calm him down but stay quiet until we get off. We walk slowly towards home, "your nervous aren't you?"

Snapping out of his daze, he directs his attention to me, "A little, I want him to like me. I know I've met him before but both times were brief and I got the impression he didn't like me at either meeting."

"It's not that he didn't like you, he just didn't like the idea of me dating because he wants me to stay his little girl. Once he gets to know you, you'll be fine," I stand on my tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek.

"I forgot to say before but your house is amazing," He compliments once we're inside the gate.

"It feels like home now. It didn't when dad first brought it but when I was at Roger's I realised I missed being here. I never asked are you okay with cats?"

He chuckles, "Of course I'm used to pets, I have Frankie remember." Frankie is Ben's adorable beagle puppy.

End Amelia's POV

Ben follows Amelia into the music room where Freddie is at his piano working, he stops when he hears them come in, "Hello sweetheart good day at school?"

"Yeah, most of its revision and course work at the moment."

Freddie smiles turning to Ben, "Milly go upstairs and get changed please, I want a word with Ben," she looks between the two hesitant to leave, "Don't worry I'm not going to interrogate him now go." She gives in running up the stairs.

He offers the boy a seat this time instead of making him stand, "You've been with my daughter nearly three years now, right?"

"Official yes sir although we did date for a year before I asked her to become my girlfriend," Ben replies sitting across from him feeling a little intimidated.

"She told me about your small break up last year after your Grandma passed away did you mean it or was it just down to the grieving?"

"The grieving entirely. I'm ashamed of myself when I think back to what happened, she was trying to be supportive by getting me out of the house instead of mopping around and instead of saying leave me alone, I told her it wawhereasA week later after my Grandma's funeral and I'd had time to think I realised what I had done and called her immediately."

Freddie smiles to himself it's not hard to see that the boy loves Amelia, "I can't criticize you for that, grief makes you do stupid things and I pushed her away myself by saying the wrong thing but it took me three years to make it right whereas you only took a week. That makes you a better man than me. I'm glad she has you, Ben, she has the brightest smile whenever she talks about you, just promise me you won't hurt her."

Ben didn't have to think about his answer, "I'd never do that. That week was a mistake and I'll never make it again, I love her."

"Then we will get along just fine. I have no problem with you dating my daughter as long as you keep that promise." He sees the tension in Ben's shoulders disappear upon hearing those words, "And you don't need to call me sir. Freddie is fine."

"Doesn't Jess still call you Mr Mercury though?"

Freddie chuckles, "Yes, I have told her she can call me Freddie, she's known me since she was four but she still insists on Mr Mercury."

When Amelia came back down and she heard them both laughing it warms her heart immensely, he really is giving Ben a chance this time.


They sat down to dinner and Freddie asks Ben some more questions, "So Ben, what are you planning to do once you finish school?"

"Well, one of the men my dad works with has taken me on as his apprentice working the stage lighting rigs. I only do Saturday's at the moment," Ben replies politely.

"You're not going to college or university?"

"I thought about it at one point but I've watched my dad work the lighting rigs my whole life. It might not be the easiest job or the most glamours but my dad always said the one thing he loved most about the job is when he's on the rigs and the artists or bands are sound checking below, it's like getting a private tour and that's reward enough."

Freddie likes that answer, "I bet he's heard a few good artists in his time at Wembley. Collage isn't for everyone, Milly isn't going."

Amelia grins, "Nope, I know where I'm going."

"Dad says he's looking forward to Live aid, it going to be hard work but he gets to watch every performance from a better than front row seat."

"You helping that day?" Freddie asks.

Ben grins proudly, "Yeah I'll be working alongside my dad, they need all the works they can get because it's such a big concert." After dinner Amelia walked Ben to the gate receiving a kiss before he left then she turns back to the house to search for her dad.

She found him in the living room, "So what did you think of him?"

Looking up from the book in his lap Freddie smiles, "As much as I hate to say it, I like him. He cares about you and he's polite, that ticks the right boxes for me, darling. He loves you and I know you love him." He looks back to the book.

Amelia frowns tilting her head to read the book cover, yellow pages, "Are you looking for someone?"

He sighs, "Yes but I only got his name and it seems that there is more than one person with that name."

"What's the name?"

"Jim Hutton."

She couldn't stop the laugh that let her mouth, "Does he have a moustache?"

His full attention snaps back to her, "Yes, how do you know that?"

"I've met him. He works at a hair salon not far from the British history museum."

Freddie tuts playfully, "Milly what have I told you about stalking people."

She rolls her eyes, "Oh haha, I wasn't stalking him. I met him when I went to meet Jess on her week of work experience at that salon. I approve of him by the way if your planning to ask him out. He seemed nice and down to earth."

"I need to talk to him first but I'll keep that in mind." He bit at this bottom lip nervously.

"Not nervous are you?"

Freddie sighs at her surprised tone, "Believe it or not, Milly, I do get nervous sometimes."

"Wow, he must have made a good impression on you then. Just talk to him was the worst that can happen."

"When did you become the adult?" Freddie teased, "But I will talk to him."

And two days later Freddie tries to do exactly that. He heads to the salon after Amelia gave him the address but he wasn't there.

Molly, the receptionist was there though and she was more than happy to give him Jim's home address.

The second update will be up shortly.

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