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Fallen Angelz' tour ended up adding extra date taking them up the 9th of July for their last show in Paris. The four girls flew home the next day for time to recuperate. The following day Queen is playing at Wembley stadium and they have all been invited to watch

Arriving at Wembley Stadium Amelia heads backstage to find Freddie. Their tours overlapped with each other meaning that she hasn't seen him for nearly two months.

She found the dressing room and knocked. She can hear loud chatter through the door so she thought they hadn't heard her but Brian eventually opened the door, "Milly! Hello love," He greeted with a bright smile wrapping her in a bear hug before stepping aside to let her in.

"Hi Uncle Bri," Roger is lazying on the sofa drinking a beer, John is in the middle of getting changed and dad is in the make-up chair. Freddie beams through the mirror removing himself from the chair and picks her up in a tight hug, "I feel like I haven't seen you in forever, how was the tour?" He asks putting her back down.

"It was amazing, extra dates were added to the tour and we only got back yesterday from Paris."

Roger scoffs, "How do you look so wide awake then? The first day back after our first tour the four of us were too tired to move."

Amelia can remember her dad coming home that day and he did nothing but sleep for two days, she expected to feel the same but she feels wide awake, "Maybe that's because you were older and went drinking almost every night at the after-parties. That is one of the perks of being underage, we don't have a hangover when we come to play the next night."

"She has a point," Brian points out.

"It might a little different if you ask Rosie of course, her poor hands are giving her a lot of pain today."

Roger knew that feeling all too well, "Tell her to find a good hand cream, the tour medic should help her hands but hand cream will help as well. Her hands should build up a better tolerance the more she plays."

It makes me giggle how superior he sounded, "Wow that was good advice, be careful Uncle Rog people might think you've actually got a brain." Roger rolls his eyes smiling recognising her childish mood. She drops into the spare seat next to John, "Oh! I forgot to tell you, the album reached number one while we were on tour."

Brian shook his head in disbelief, "How did you girls manage to get so big so quickly?"

John chuckles, "Because they know what their doing, did it stay there long?"

"We did have 5 years to prepare songs for the album so that probably had something to do with it. And the album stayed there for 2 weeks, guess what knocked it off."

Dad grins mischievously, "It's a Kind of Magic?"

"Correct, we were set to go three weeks there but you guys released your album and it shot straight to the top." She doesn't mind really she loves their music.

A few moments before they go on Amelia notices her dads outfit particularly the yellow jacket, "I like that jacket dad, it suits you."

He fixes the collar of said jacket, "Thank you, darling. You're not having it though," that mischievous grin appears again.

He knows me so well. Hoping up onto the black equipment box to watch from the side Amelia then slips in the real question on my mind, "How's your voice?"

Brian had told her earlier that Freddie still has that bad cough, he sighs turning to face his daughter, "I'm much better now darling, you really don't need to worry about me, I'm fine."

She didn't get a chance to reply because he had to go on stage. she jumps off the box and goes to find the rest of her family in the VIP section.


The 9th of August was the last date for the 'It's a Kind of Magic' tour, little did Amelia know that it was Queen's last ever tour date.

Amelia woke the next day readying herself for the big day ahead of her, today is Amelia's driving test and she is scared.

"Morning dad," She hops on the stool next to Freddie at the breakfast bar and he sighs while reading the newspaper.

"Did you see this?" Looking over his shoulder she reads the headline about a young fan that had been stabbed at the Queen concert yesterday.

"You shouldn't beat yourself up about it dad, it wasn't your fault. You didn't stab him."

Freddie has been doing just that since they were told last night, "No but he was there to listen to our music and got killed for it."

Amelia rips the newspaper out of his hands, "You didn't kill him now why don't you read the other story from yesterday about the woman that gave birth at the concert." She feels her dads pain over it but it wasn't his fault and she's not letting him drill that into his brain.

"I did hear about that bit." Changing the subject he continues his breakfast, "You got your test today?"

"Yes at 10:35 am. I'm waiting for Uncle Rog to pick me up."

Picking up on her nervousness Freddie puts a hand over her shaky one, "You'll be fine sweetheart, just remember what Roger has taught you." A beep of a car horn indicates Roger's arrival, "Good luck darling."

Racing out to the car Amelia sits in the passenger seat, Roger smiles, "You ready?"

"No, don't kill me if I crash your car," She groans dramatically.

He chuckles as he drives away from the house, "You've got this Milly." He felt safer with her driving than any other person he knows which is a surprise since he taught her.

He waited in the test centre reading one of the magazines. When the 50 minutes are almost up he stood at the window waiting for his car to appear in the car park. He watched as Amelia did a perfect reverse into the parking space. They sat in the car for a few moments longer before getting out heading into the test centre.

It's not until they are in the door that Amelia's poker face turns to a grin, "I passed!" She throws her arms around Roger, "Thank you for teaching me." She was given her certificate and Roger reads through her test results.

"Wow, you had an almost perfect test. You had only one minor for reversing to wide around a corner."

"Does this mean I can drive home then?"

Roger laughs, "I don't think so, you might have passed but you are no longer insured to drive my car now you've passed and I'm not getting arrested thank you." He took the keys off her and drives them home.

There was a car in the driveway when they got back that Amelia didn't recognise but she presumed that someone they knew just had a new car. Roger follows her inside knowing exactly who it is for. Giddy with excitement Amelia ran in the house, "Dad!"

Finding him in the living room with Jim and John, "I passed!" burst out of her mouth, "Who's car is that in the driveway?"

Freddie smirks holding the car keys out to her, "What letter is on the keyring?"

Taking the keys she looks at the keyring confused, "It's an A? We don't have anyone in the family with an A," She didn't twig at all.

John snorts, "How did you pass your exams?" His mind baffled that she hadn't thought of her own name.

Roger snorted a laugh, "Does your name not have an A at the beginning?"

She finally twigs, "Oh my god, you brought me a car?"

"Yes, Deaky brought it over while you were gone. It's all paid off, you just have to pay for the insurance bill and patrol, although there is some petrol in it already," Freddie answers, "I figured this way you don't have to wait for Terry or take the tube anymore. Now that Fallen Angelz has taken off being on the tube isn't the best idea."

Amelia squeals hugging her dad tightly, "I love it, thank you, thank you, thank you. I get called Milly so often that I've started to think of my initials a double M. Oh my god I have to show Ben, love you, see you later." She ran out the door straight for the car.

Little MercuryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon