Change of Plan Amelia Mercury book 2 is happening!!!

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Hey guys,

So here it is after a long time deliberating over it the new Brian May book, You and I, is being put on hold.

I found when writing it that my mind keeps drifting back to the second Amelia Mercury story and I struggle to get any chapters written for the Brian May fanfiction.

I'm sorry for messing you around, You and I will go on hold until after the Amelia Mercury book and it may or may not be made unpublished when the first chapter the Amelia Mercury book goes up.

The Amelia Mercury book will be called Miss Mercury I've had time to think the storyline over and I know where it is going, it will be up soon hopefully by next so keep an eye out for it.

I hope you understand and support this decision, it was a hard one and I've been stressing over making the right choice but I love the character I have created with Amelia Mercury so I think this is the right one.

Thanks, xx

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