Time Flies

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Freddie was surprised to find Amelia already sat at the breakfast ber when he came down for his breakfast that morning, "Morning Sweetheart, what are you doing up so early?" It's only just past half 8 and she is usually fast asleep until half 9.

"I've already been for a pee four times in the last hour, the baby is having a wrestling match and I'm craving these little oranges." She whines peeling the skin of the next orange.

She is well over the halfway point in her pregnancy by now having just reached the 30-week mark. Her cravings are gripping her and burst of energy she was having have worn off.

He smirks sitting next to her, "How many of those have you eaten?"

She blushes, she would eat the whole bag if they let her, "Um..."

"Five!" Joe responses entering the kitchen from the pantry.

Chuckling Freddie draws the bag away from her, "Yeah well maybe that's enough for now, to many will give you a tummy ache. What are you doing today?"

She pouts but answers his question, "Well Ben leaves for work in an hour so I'm going with Jess to her wedding dress fitting." She looks her dad up and down noticing he is in decent clothes as apposed to sweatpants and t-shirt or pyjamas, "Are you going to the studio today?"

He nods sipping his coffee, "Yes but not until later this morning. Try not to overdo it when you're out today."

"I couldn't even if I wanted to, my back hurts if I walk for too long. I'll be sat down for most of the dress appointment and then we are going to lunch after, I'll probably be back just after..." she gasped when Ben came up behind wrapping his arms around her waist kissing the back of her head.

"What was that about don't overdo it?" Ben asks taking the stool next to her.

"She going out with Jessy and I was telling her not to overdo it," Freddie replies smirking.

Ben shares the teasing smirk, "Yeah he's got a point Love, please don't overdo it."

Amelia sighs dropping her head onto the countertop, "I've already said I won't, you two are ridiculous I'm pregnant nothing more."


Her day out with Jessica was just what she needed, some girl time and a bit of retail therapy. They ended up shopping for baby clothes after the dress fitting before heading to a nearby cafe for some lunch.

They take a table at the back after ordering, "You are going to look stunning in that dress, Jessy."

"Thank you, I hope so. I can't believe I'm getting married in four months and you're going to be a mum in two!" The red hair squeals with happiness.

"Oh don't remind me, it doesn't seem two minutes since I found out I was pregnant and now I'm 7 months." Amelia is excited about being a mum but she couldn't help the nervousness that keeps edging its way to the front of her brain with every day that passes.

Jessica frowns, "How are you feeling about it? It's a big change becoming a mum. You know you can talk to me anything and it will stay between us, no one else has to know."

Amelia sighs rubbing the top of her bump as the baby shifts, "Don't get me wrong I am excited, I might complain about being kicked and punched from the inside but every movement that I feel makes me hopeful. It reassures me that he or she is okay in there and I look forward to meeting them."

"But..?" Jessica presses on thanking the waiter places their order on the table.

All the feelings that Amelia has kept bottled up, comes pouring out, "But I'm at the same time I am so scared because this is a life depending on me and Ben and if we fail, it could screw their life up. I mean what if I'm not a very good mum? What if I turn out like my mum? I'd never abuse a child of course but I mean what if I can't cope."

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