First Gig

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I do not own the song.

Since Christmas, the Queen tour days are a bit all over the place they have a week at the beginning of March and then two weeks at the end of March and nothing then until September.

It has been arranged this way so that Brian can be around for the birth of his and Chrissie's next child. While they were on tour Amelia got her usual calls from Freddie but he always sounded drunk or high and lots of noise in the background.

When Freddie is at home Paul is around a lot more often. That, however, is the least of Amelia's concerns right now, Fallen Angelz has been given their first gig.

Amelia's POV

It's the end of the first week of March as a group decision we chose to keep our band practice at lunchtime on a Friday instead of after school.

This particular Friday, while we are practising, the headteacher, happened to be passing by. We are in the middle of playing a song when he enters the room. He waits for us to finish before he speaks, "Girls that was really something special. I've heard Mr Matthews singing your praises in the staff room and a few other teachers and students say they've heard you too."

Jessica replies, "Thank you, sir."

When he didn't say anything else we thought he would leave but then he spoke again, "I have a proposition for you. As you know in two weeks you years sevens have that PGL camp. At the end of your week at camp, there is always a party or disco of some kind. We were going to hire a DJ but would you girls consider being the band for the night, we would ask you to play a mix of songs and maybe through a few of your originals in there. We can get your equipment transported there, we wouldn't be able to pay you but it will be put towards your music grade at the end of the year. I'll give you a minute to decide." He starts talking to Mr Matthews.

I am ready to jump at the task but I turn to the others for their approval, "So what do you girls think? I'm up for it but I don't want to pressure you if you're not ready."

Rosie agrees straight away and so does Jessica, "This is our chance to perform in front of a proper audience."

We turn to Brianna, "Brie, what do you think?"

Her voice is quiet, "I want to..."

"But," Rosie prompts.

"What if they don't like us?"

I knew she'd be nervous, "It's a risk we have to take, not everyone will like our style of music but if we don't try Fallen Angelz will never get anywhere."

She gives in, "Okay I'm in."

"Sir. We're in."

He grins, "Excellent. You'll be playing for two hours but you'll get a break and I'm guessing you're going to need some extra time to practice and form a setlist of sorts so I'll speak to your teachers, use your music lessons and as many lunchtimes as you need. Anything else?"

I had an idea, "One thing sir. If this is meant to be for the year sevens then we should be playing songs they would want to hear so would it be possible to have the students write one song each and we'll use those to form our setlist."

"Brilliant idea Amelia, I'll go to the staff room now to inform the staff and get the choices to you by tomorrow lunchtime." He hurries off as giddy as a school child.

End of Amelia's POV


Amelia raced home that afternoon, "Dad, dad, dad, guess what?" She burst into the music room.

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