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*Warning contains subjects some may find upsetting*

On the 5th of November, everyone gathered at the Deacons for a BBQ and bonfire night. And that really means everyone, the Taylor's, the May's, Freddie and Jim, Amelia, Jessica, Rosie and Brianna. Ben is working, unfortunately.

By now Amelia is nearly 16 weeks and has a small baby bump showing. Her morning sickness has gone and has been replaced with a pregnancy glow. She hasn't felt the baby move yet but the doctor said it's due to the position the baby is lying. Ben is also in the process of moving in.

Amelia's POV

The day time turns into early evening, I sat in the garden talking to Rosie and Brianna, watching the younger children play. I'm deep in conversation when I feel a small period like cramping sensation at the underside of my bump.

Ignoring it at first I continue my conversation but when it doesn't ease up I sit up straight rubbing the area to try and ease it, thinking perhaps I just need the bathroom. When it doesn't wear off I give in and head upstairs to the bathroom.

Locking the bathroom door behind me I can now feel a sticky trickling sensation between my legs and the cramps have got worst. With shaky hands I reach for the band of my leggings and slowly pull them down, fearing the worst.

Pulling them down I see a few drops of blood running down my leg and when I remove my underwear it's covered in blood. Tears prick my eyes falling quickly I couldn't hold back my sobs. I don't know what to do they are all downstairs and I can't leave the bathroom in this state.

My silent prays are answered when there's a knock at the door, I quickly pull my underwear back up but leave my leggings, I try to keep my voice stable, "Who is it?"

"Milly? It's Laura are you okay? I was walking past and heard you sob," Her small voice radiates through the door making me sob, even more. She's only 6 years old and already takes after John with her heart of gold.

I grip the door handle the pain is getting worst and more blood drips down my leg, "Laura, I need you to go downstairs and get your Mummy to come up, can you do that for me?"

"Um... okay." I hear her footsteps run away from the door and I slide down the door, blood still trickling down my legs. Hold on baby, please hold on.

End of Amelia's POV

Laura ran downstairs straight into the garden where Veronica is sat at the table talking to Dominique and Brian. She ran up to her mum tugging at her sleeve not wanting to be rude and interrupt Veronica's conversation, "Mummy."

"Just a moment sweety," Veronica tells her continuing her conversation with Dominique. Laura looks at Brian for help.

He picks up on her anxious behaviour, "Ronnie, I think Laura has something important that needs saying."

Veronica breaks her conversation looking at her daughter properly seeing her bouncing on the balls of her feet, a sure sign that something is the matter, "What's wrong, Laura?"

"Milly's in the bathroom upstairs, she asked me to get you. She sounded upset." The mention of Amelia's name grabs Freddie and Jim's attention from the table behind.

"Okay, I'll go and see why do you go find daddy?" Laura runs away happy that her task complete.

Veronica stands and Dominique follows, Freddie goes to as well but she stops him, "If she has asked for me and not you there must be a reason. I'll give you a shout if I need you I promise." Freddie nods but doesn't retake his seat choosing to stand next to the back door instead.

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