Results Day

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Hey guys, so because of the way my work shifts have fallen, I have a load of free time over the next week. I also have a big backlog of chapters that are ready to go for this story, with that in mind I will be updating every day from today till next Thursday.

Amelia's POV

It's the 23rd of August and today is the day that I get my exam results. I spring out of bed but regret it immediately and bolt to the toilet throwing up what was left of last nights dinner.

Rinsing my mouth out I get changed and head downstairs sitting at the breakfast bar between Dad and Jim. Jim has become regular at Garden Lodge, I'm not sure why Dad hasn't asked him to move in yet but I'm certain it won't be too much longer.

"You alright sweetheart? I heard a thud," Dad smiles while sipping his coffee.

I can't be bothered to try and hide it, "I just threw up, the thud was my racing to the bathroom."

Dad puts his mug down feeling my forehead with the back of his hand but I already know there's no temperature, "That's odd you were fine last night. Do you feel ill?"

"No, I think I just stood up too quickly."

"Maybe your more nervous about your exam results than you think?" Jim offers as an explanation, it's the only one that sounds logical.

"Yeah maybe, now I need to go I'm meant to be meeting Jessy in twenty minutes." I run back upstairs the brush my teeth grabbing my bag from the door on the way out and heading for the tube.


"So you nervous about your results?" Jessica asks as we get closer to the school.

"More than I thought I was, I threw up this morning."

She screws up her nose, "Ew gross."

In the main school hall is are four tables with our tutors sat behind them, Brianna is here as well. Rosie is coming later as is Gwilym. Ben is having his sent through the post since he is away on holiday.

Mrs Cooper hands us our envelopes, "Good luck girls."

Jessica opens hers straight away but I promised dad I'd open mine at home, she squeals, "I got an A* in music, A in English and maths. B's and C's in everything else oh but P.E I got a D. Oh well, I don't need it."

"That's amazing Jess, Brie how did you do?"

Brianna grins, "I got A* in Music, Performing Arts and Astrophysics, A in Maths and my other sciences and C's in everything else. You not opening yours, Milly?"

"No dad wants me to open them at home and I don't mind." As we leave the school, we are handed a yearbook each.

Heading for the tube we hear the beep of a car horn, turning I see Brian pull up in the car next to us, "Do you want a lift home, Milly? I need to see your dad anyway."

I turn back to the girls, "You mind?"

Brianna shook her head, "No go. We'll see you Monday."

I got in the car, "What are you doing over this way?"

"I had a few errands to run, I was coming passed when I saw you. Those your exam results?" He smiles pointing to the envelope, he is just as excited to see my results as I am. Must be his teacher side.

"Yeah I haven't opened them yet, dad wants me to wait till I get home. Oh get this, Brianna got an A* in Astrophysics."

"I didn't even know she chose that as an option but that's very impressive." We travel a bit further chatting back and forth. We are nearly home when the dizzy feeling I felt earlier starts to come back. The next thing I know I'm being sick into the car footwell.

Brian quickly pulls into the driveway hopping out of the driver's seat running around to my side, "Christ are you alright, love? Why didn't you say you were feeling sick?"

"It came on very sudden, happened this morning as well. But that's odd I never get travel sick." He helps me out of the car and I apologize, "Sorry about your car."

"Don't worry it can be cleaned. You still feeling sick?"

"No, it's gone now."

We went inside and dad is waiting in the living room, "Freddie your daughter has just been sick in my car."

"You've been sick again? Terry, can you sort Brian's car, darling?" Dad frowns catching Terry as he passes by the living room door. Terry nods heading back out to the car.

"Yeah but genuinely feel fine now. It's like this morning it came on very sudden."

"Hmm... maybe you are coming down with something. We'll see how you are for the rest of the day and go from there. Now let's see those exam results."

I open the envelope and I read them aloud: "D in P.E, C in R.E, French, Physics and Chemistry. B in English and Biology. An A in Maths and an A* in Performing Arts, Music and History."

"What!" Dad snatches the paper out of my hand, "Your smarter than me. Milly, this is outstanding."

Brian wraps his arms around me, "You passed all exams bar one, that impressive. Well done."

"Thanks, uncle Brian."

End of Amelia's POV


The Monday after is Fallen Angelz meeting with Miami. They decided to bring John with them to help them go through the contract.

They wait outside Miami's office until he calls them in, "Take a seat, girls." For John, this moment feels all too similar to the Queen meeting not 5 months ago, at least this time it's for a happier reason.

Miami smiles feeling pleased to be able to manage this band too, "So you girls know why your hear. Fallen Angelz has the talent to be big, we're not here to discuss if we are giving you the contract because you already have it. No your here today to go through the contract and discuss the process moving forward."

Amelia was already aware that they had the contract but it's a big weight off her shoulders to know that he hasn't changed his mind, "That's why we've brought Deaky. He can help us with the contract, he knows what it means."

"Good, in that case, I will pass the contract to you, John, to read through while we talk about what's next." He hands the contract to John and he starts reading through while Miami continues, "Now you already have five songs that I know of ready to record and you need at least eight tracks for a first album."

Jessica jumps in, "We have another two ready to go we've just never performed them so we only have to come up with one more."

"That's excellent girls. Unfortunately, even if you started recording today I would never be ready for Christmas however if you can get your first album fully recorded for Christmas we can have it released by February at the latest. Once the album is finished we'll talk about your first single release. There is one snag though, you have to be 18 to tour outside of Europe. So, for now, we focus on getting the album released and then arrange a tour of the UK and Ireland, to begin with, and raise the band's fan base."

"That sounds like a good plan to me," Amelia replies.

"What about record sessions?" Brianna asks.

"Since you already have most of your songs ready you don't need to be in the studio 24/7 so, for now, you girls will have the recording studio for two full days and one afternoon a week. Does that sound reasonable."

Rosie nods, "Yeah that sounds good."

Amelia turns her attention to her uncle, "Deaks, you finished reading?"

"Yeah, this is a pretty good solid contract, better than Queen had when we first begin but then again you're starting with a better manager." John went on to discuss one point that needed editing but once that is sorted the girls signed the contract.

Sorry, if this chapter was a little boring, I promise the next few chapters are about to get a lot more exciting. Also, I have no idea how recording contracts work so I've just written what sounded right. 

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