Christmas Shopping

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Hey guys,

Due to working overtime tomorrow, I won't have time to update so I am updating today then back to every two days as of Monday.

*Contains bullying*

Once again the Christmas season is upon them and this year Freddie has given Amelia the task and money to go out and buy presents for all the family, except hers of course.

Amelia is out Christmas shopping with Veronica, she's been given a list of people and this is her second day of shopping. She was out with Jessica last Saturday.

Last Saturday she brought all the family presents and today is about finding the girls presents and something for her dad, which is proving to be a very difficult task, "What do I buy someone who has everything he needs?" She asks her aunt.

"I feel your pain Milly, I'm struggling to find something for John, why not get him another cat?"

Amelia sighs, "Because that's all I ever seem to buy him."

"That's not true, you haven't brought him one for the past three years Lily, Oscar, Dorothy and Goliath he found himself. I can take you via the pet shelter on the way home?"

"Okay but I still need to find something to go with it."

"Why don't you look while finding presents for Rosie, Brianna and Jessica?" That's what they did. In the process, Veronica found John's present.

While they were wandering around, Veronica remembers she needs to go to the bank but Amelia didn't want to go in with her so she went into the music shop across the road.

Amelia's POV

I decided on a new guitar pick for Brianna and both Rosie and Roger new wrist support bands. While I'm is in the shop searching for inspiration for my dad's other gift I heard the ding of the shop's doorbell, I assumed it's just another customer or aunt Veronica so didn't lookup.

That is until I felt a tap on my shoulder. Looking over my shoulder I expected to see Veronica but instead, I found Michael, "What do you want?"

"Well I was just browsing, I didn't expect to see you in here and now my day is ruined by your ugly mug," He sneers.

I snapped, "what is your problem with me? You got your revenge by outing my family to the school isn't that enough?"

"No, because I still have to see your face at school every day."

"If you don't like it then change schools because I'm not going to." It's only at that moment that I realise he's backed me into a corner.

"If you won't live then I am going to make your years at high school as painful as possible," I wasn't sure what he meant until he raised his fist hitting me right under my eye making me fall to the floor. "Hey!" The elder shopman cries and Michael legs it out the door.

The man raced over to me, "are you okay miss? Oh, that looks painful. I'm sorry I didn't see what he was doing sooner, I was with a customer." He rambles seeming upset by the incident.

"It's not your fault sir, I'll be alright if you could just help me up?" He puts one hand under my left elbow and the other on my back helping me stand before he bent down to grab the things I had dropped.

"Thank you," I took my bag from him, taking out my mirror to assess the damage, a nasty black eye is forming and a headache to go with it. I quickly pull my concealer out from my bag to cover up the bruise. If Veronica sees this she'll panic like no tomorrow.

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