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Just for a bit of fun, there is a mention to one of my favourite films in this chapter. See if you can spot it and feel free to comment if you find it. I'll give you a clue, it's nothing to do with the Alice in Wonderland statue.

They arrive in New York later that afternoon and Amelia was much calmer having slept most of the flight. They are to stay the night at a hotel in New York before getting on their tour bus tomorrow morning which will take them to their first venue in Columbus, Ohio.

Collecting their stuff from baggage claims they take a taxi to there hotel.

Paul checked them in and left again for the airport, he would meet them in Ohio. Amelia was happy to hear he wouldn't be on the tour bus because she doesn't like him, he hasn't done anything but she just has a bad feeling about him.

They all head to the rooms, most of them decided to catch up on sleep.

Amelia, however, ran straight to the window seat admiring the amazing view, while Freddie went to the bathroom. She couldn't believe she was in a different country, it was all so exciting.

Until this morning she never left the UK, now she was in the city of dreams.

Freddie exits the bathroom moments later smiles when he finds her in said spot, face pressed up against the window, "Milly, I'm going to get some sleep sweetheart. I know you're wide awake but..." He was interrupted by a knock at the door.

Brian walks in with his camera around his neck, "I know you need sleep but I slept on the plane and I know Amelia is full of energy having slept as well. So you can get some sleep, I wondered if she wants to come with me to central park?"

"You want to go?" Freddie already knew the answer.

"Yes please," She hops down from the window.

Freddie helps her put her jacket back on, "Okay but be good and stay with Brian, we don't want you getting lost." He shuts the door behind them.

He loves his daughter to bits but she always seemed to have so much energy, so he drops on to the bed and was out like a light.


Walking the crowded streets of New York was an experience like no other, it was busy but eventually, the duo makes it to Central Park.

Looking at the information board Amelia couldn't believe her eyes, "It's so big," She whispers holding Brian hand a little tighter.

When Brian asked Amelia what she wanted to see first, he had expected her to say one of the play areas but to his surprise, Amelia had absolutely no interest in any of the play parks.

All Amelia wanted to see was the bridges, archways, water features and nature trails, it made Brian smile at her wonder and respect for nature, most children just wanted to play. The only child-like thing she heard any interest in was the Alice in Wonderland statue and the zoo.

So they followed some of the woodland routes, spotting wildlife, taking pictures and they stopped halfway at a bench by the Oak Bridge to have a rest, Amelia was reading about the said bridge in the guide book Brian had brought for her.

Her thirst for knowledge and history amazed him, she wanted to learn rather than play. She reminded Brian of himself when he was that age.

"Do you enjoy school, Milly?" He asked when she finished reading.

She nods, "I like learning, but Michael says I'm weird because no one likes learning but I do."

Brian sighs, "Well Michael is just a bully ignore him, there is nothing wrong with learning, I love to learn new things. Do you have a favourite subject?"

"I'm good at maths and I like music but my favourite is history, we started history lessons before Christmas and I love it." She readjusts a lock of hair that fell from her hair grip, looking down at the guide book again.

"Good. My favourite was science when I was your age," he checks his watch for the time and stands up holding his hand out, "Shall we keep going? We have enough time to wonder the last part before we have to meet the others."

Before leaving the hotel it had been agreed to meet up in the hotel reception around six o'clock to find somewhere to eat.

She grabs his hand and they keep walking, by the time they had walked from the south side to the north, it's was half-past five and Amelia's feet were very tired.

They took the outside route of the park to get back quicker and not get distracted by other sights, Brian had to carry Amelia but going past a specific building she told him to stop.

The building she pointed at was the Museum of Natural History, "Can we go in?" She looks at him with those big doe eyes, they reminded him of puppy eyes.

But he had to say no, "We have to meet the others and they closing anyway, maybe when we come back to New York, yeah?" She pouted but accepted the answer, Brian made a mental note to take her when they come back.

"Okay," they continue walking, "what do you think it's like in a museum at night?"

"I don't know, you always think of the hard questions, don't you? What do you think happens?"

She giggles, "I think they all secretly come to life."

He loves her imagination, "Mm... I like that idea. It would make for a good film."


When they found a place to eat Brian and Freddie went to find a table while John took Amelia to the bathroom and Roger order their food.

"Hey Fred, did Amelia's teachers ever say anything to you about her being bright or her love for learning?"

"Yeah at her parents evening last March. Why?" Freddie wasn't sure where this was going.

"When we were at Central Park I thought she would want to play on the play parks but she had absolutely no interest in them. She preferred to look at the senary and wanted to learn, I brought her the guide book for the park and she was fascinated by it. Certain spots around the park she would stop and read the history about it out loud. At one point I felt like I was the child and she the adult, I'm surprised she understood it." Brian wishes they could have been there.

"Well, she's working at a higher level in her maths lesson alongside Jessica, but the teacher said she was doing well in all her classes, has a passion for science and music. Perhaps her science has changed to history. Why are you asking anyway?"

"Just to say that I think she might be smarter then we give her credit for but that boy, Michael, is bullying her again. I think it's putting her off wanting to learn for fear of people thinking she's weird." The conversation came to an end as Amelia appeared at the table.


Later that evening when they were back at the hotel, Freddie helps Amelia get ready for bed, the hotel room has two separate beds a double for him and a single for her.

"So Brian tells me you learned a lot at the park today. Did you have a good time?" She nods sat on the counter as she brushes her teeth.

"You like your history, he said you wanted to go to the Museum of Natural History." He lefts her down from the side when she is done.

"Yeah but it was closing," Amelia pouts as she climbs into bed.

"Is history what you want to do when you're older? Maybe at a museum or as a historian." He tucks the covers around her finding hedgehog out of her travel bag.

"I don't know I'm torn, I like music and history."

"Well you don't have to make a decision now but I want you to know that whichever you pick I will support you. I won't force into anything." As Freddie kisses her forehead, Amelia kisses his cheek.

"I love you, daddy."

"I love you too sweetheart. Sleep tight."

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