Joint Celebration

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I know that the black and white drag ball was for Freddie's 39th birthday but I hope you don't mind me making it Amelia and Freddie's joint party.

The 4th of September is the big birthday party for both Freddie and Amelia. The theme for the party is a black and white drag ball, Freddie had arranged everything because he is determined to make Amelia's 18th birthday a memorable one and it's his 39th birthday tomorrow. How much more of a reason does he need to throw a party?

It was her 18th was yesterday and Roger had taken her for her first pub drink to celebrate. She hadn't taken it well. She appeared at breakfast that morning with a headache, "How are you feeling, love?" Jim asks as she sat between him and Freddie. Jim had officially moved in after Christmas just gone and they have both recently took to wearing wedding bands although they couldn't be properly married its the meaning that matters to them.

Amelia groans, "I had two drinks and my head feels like I banged it against a brick wall. What did Roger give me?"

Freddie chuckles remembering his first hangover, "I believe it was vodka. We need to build you a better intolerance before your night out in November otherwise you won't make it home."


At half-past five Amelia started getting ready for the party thankfully her headache has gone. After a quick shower, she curls her hair leaving it down, applies some make-up and slips into her dress before sitting on her bed to put her shoes on.

She checks herself in the mirror before going to her dad's bedroom, "What do you think?" She asks twirling to show the dress off.

She checks herself in the mirror before going to her dad's bedroom, "What do you think?" She asks twirling to show the dress off

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"You look beautiful Milly and very grown-up," He paused, "The dress is a bit..."

Amelia interrupts him before he can finish the sentence, "Dad, come on I'm 18, not 8. The slit isn't even that high, Jim, tell him."

Jim had to side with her this time, "I have to agree with her, dear. She's 18 and I've seen worse."

Freddie pouts knowing he's outnumbered, "Fine, just make sure Ben keeps his hands to himself."

"I will make no such promise," She grins leaving the room to grab her purse, making sure she has her I.D.

Once they arrive at the venue Amelia leaves them to search for Ben while heading to the bar, she bumps into Brian, "Happy birthday Milly, here you go." He smiles handing her a drink.

"What is it?" she eyes him suspiciously.

He chuckles, "White rum and lemonade, you might find that easier to drink than vodka."

She groans everyone must know about last night, "Yeah Roger just brought them without telling me what was in them. At least you have the decency to tell me. Have you seen Ben?" She takes a sip of the drink enjoying the taste a lot more than last nights drink.

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