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The 10th of December saw the release of Queen's fifth album 'A Day at the Races'. However, the album was the only good thing to come out of December.

December brought three big changes.

Amelia's POV

I lay in bed trying to get to sleep but no matter how hard I tried, sleep wouldn't come. I could hear my dad and Mary talking.

"Freddie, what's wrong?" I heard Mary say, I got up and tiptoed to the door so I could hear them better.

Dad didn't reply so Mary continued, "something has been wrong for a while now," there's a pause, "say it."

Say what? What did she want him to say?

Finally, dad spoke, "I've been thinking about it a lot... I think I'm bisexual."

"Freddie you're gay." I knew what that meant, I look through the gap in my door and down the hall. I could see Mary getting up off the couch facing the window.

"I've known for a while now I just didn't want to admit it. This is what is always settle for, I love you but, I love you Mary but I need space, I love you Mary but I've met someone else and now I love but I'm..." I could hear the pure sadness in her voice.

She turns to look at dad, "This is the hardest because it's not even your fault." Mary starts to remove her ring, I felt my heartache because I know this means things will never be the same.

Dad shot up towards her, "No don't take it off, you promised me you'd never take it off."

They stood facing each other, I felt like I was intruding on a very private moment but I couldn't turn away, "What do you want from me?"

"Almost everything. I want you in my life and Amelia needs you too."


"Because we believe in each other and that's everything."

"Your life is going to be very difficult." Mary turned away from him grabbing some of her things and left.

As soon as the door shut my dad cried, I hadn't realised I was crying until a tear dripped onto my hand. I thought about getting back into bed and just let my dad have some time alone but I couldn't leave him like that.

My dad has always been there for me every time I've cried or been upset, it feels right that I should do the same.

Coming out of my thoughts I look back down the hall and my dad is sat on the sofa head in his hands. I open the door and tiptoe up to him as quietly as possible so he wouldn't see me coming.

I wrap one arm around his shoulders and the other loops through the gap between his arms and chest so I was hugging his neck and shoulders.

He silently cries into my shoulder and eventually wraps arms around my waist, lifting me into his lap. Sitting back against the sofa we sat chest to chest my arms now around his neck I buried my face in his shoulder as he buries his face in my hair.

No words were needed we just took comfort from one another. We stayed like that till half-past 7 the next morning when I woke to find us both in the same position, although my dad was fast asleep his head against mine.

End of Amelia's POV

As Amelia starts to move, Freddie stirs stretching his neck looking around the room till his eyes focus on his daughter. He gave her a sad smile, "thank you for comforting me last night, darling, it was just what I needed."

She just smiles in return, looking at the clock Freddie realises that Amelia was meant to be at school in fifteen minutes but he didn't have the energy to move and he was sure she felt the same, "Do you want to miss school today? We can have a lazy day here." Amelia nods her eyes drooping.

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