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Not even three weeks after Robert was born, Queen is recording again but this time they had been sent to some farm in Wales so that they have no distractions.

Amelia was not happy, she had finished the school year and is now off for six weeks and she can not see her dad for any of it.

But right now Amelia is at the park playing with Jessica while Mary and Claire are sat on a bench chatting.

Amelia's POV

We are sat on the swings when Jessica tugs on my sleeve, "Milly, look it's Michael, let's hide." I look up to see Michael entering the park with his mum.

We got off the swings and ran underneath one of the climbing frames and sat down hoping he hasn't seen us, "Milly, I have something to tell you."

I look at Jessica, she's been quieter than normal from the moment I arrived, "What is it?"

She looks sad, "I overheard mum talking to dad last night, she said that if Michael keeps bullying us I might have to move schools."

Her voice was so quiet I wasn't sure I'd heard it but I did and my heart sank, "But you can't move schools, your my only friend and we're meant to stick together and be friends for life." My eyes became watery.

We were so caught up in our conversation that we hadn't seen Michael approaching us, "Hey loser," he looks at Jessica then turns to me, "hey freak, get out of my spot." He pushes me backwards when we're not quick enough to move. Jessica ran off to get her mum.

I landed on my arm grazing the skin making it sting and bleed, "I told you I didn't want to see your face, your an ugly scar-faced freak." He stood over me arm raised to hit me and I look away waiting for the impact, but it never came.

I look back up and see his mum stood over him holding his arm, "Michael Owens! I never ever want to see you hit anyone like that again and I am ashamed for what you just called her. Apologizes immediately." Her voice was stern and angry.

Mary and Claire had come over by this time, Mary knelt down to check I was okay and Claire proceeded to inform Michaels mum about the other incidents from school.

Michael's apology was forced but it didn't help the damage was already done, I cried the entire way home.

Mary washed my grazed arm when we got home but I wanted to be on alone.

Mary left me in my room cuddling Jerry, needing some air Mary climbed out onto the fire escape and sat enjoying the cool breeze.

I watched Mary climb out the window then grabs my backpack stuffing it with clothes, wash stuff, hedgehog and my combined pocket and birthday money. I had been saving my money and it came to a total of £74.33.

I put my shoes on and grab my coat, I kiss Jerry's head then quietly makes my way to the front door, avoiding the squeaky floorboard.

My heart was in my mouth, I would be in a lot of trouble for this but I need to talk to my dad in person.

Opening the door just enough to slip out without making it creak, I froze when I heard a meow. Looking down I see Tiffany sat next to my leg looking at me, "Don't you dare snitch," I point at Tiffany warningly and pulls the door too.

I ran down the steps of my apartment block, I open the main door and run. Mary wouldn't see me, the fire escape is around the corner and I was going the other way but the faster I run the further I can get before she knows I'm gone.


Using my pass I got on the underground all the way to London Paddington. Before dad had left I asked him if you could get the train to where he was going, at the time I had no intention of using this knowledge I just wanted to know.

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