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The Monday after the birthday meal Amelia went to stay that the Deacons. A room had been set up for her so she had her own space if she wants some time without the kids.

The band left Monday afternoon so Amelia couldn't go the airport to see them off, they'd be gone for 3 weeks. It might seem little a small amount of time but this is the first them since 1976 that her dad had gone on tour without her and she would miss him.

Amelia and Jessica's friendship with Brianna has grown stronger but they decided to wait till they found a potential drummer before auditioning her.

To their delight, finding a drummer didn't take them long. In the second week of the band being away, Amelia literally ran into their possible new drummer.

Amelia's POV

It's lunchtime and I'm on the way back outside from the bathroom. The hallways are empty of students because they are all enjoying being outside before the winter comes to trap them inside.

I walked through a set of double doors into another hallway not paying attention, just inside the door I collided with something solid and fall to the floor, "Oh, I'm so sorry."

I shake away my daze to focus on what I hit. It's a blonde girl, her pencil case and books shatter everywhere, "No I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where it was going."

Getting to my feet helping her pick up her things, I notice something under one of the radiators and grab it. As I pick it up I realise what it is, it's a drum stick. Looking around to see if there's anything else before taking it back to her, "I think this is yours?"

The girl is putting her things back into her case, she looks up to examine the object, "oh yes thank you. The other one is still in here."

I'm curious, "You play the drums?"

She takes the stick, "Yeah, it's my dream to be a famous drummer but my mum says I should give it up for something more realistic." I give her a proper look over, her blonde hair is long and almost platinum, she has ash green eyes and pale skin with a rose hue to her cheeks but I don't recognise her.

"Are you a year 7?" I ask passing her maths book back.

She giggles nervously, "Yeah I'm new, I started today. I'm still trying to find me way around. I'm Rosie."

I smiled, "I'm Amelia, call me Milly. Look if you want someone to hang with, you can join me and my friends? We can show you around. It's funny were actually looking for a drummer for our band if you're interested?"

"Oh I'd definitely be interested and I'd like to meet your friends. All my old friends are back in Manchester." We head towards the field.

"You don't have the accent."

"No I was born in London but we moved there when I was 6, we moved back here last week. So what do I need to do to get into this band?" Rosie is very animated when she talks and is always smiling.

"Well another girl is auditioning for our guitarist spot, we would get you to audition at the same time." At the tree, I introduce her to the girls.

"Girls, this is Rosie. Tell us about yourself, Rosie?" Like with Brianna they ended up going first before she told her story.

"Well I'm Rosie Tate, my birthday is on the 9th of November. I love music and performing. I play drums and piano. I live with my mum and dad but they very strict, they don't share my love for the music they think it's stupid." Her smile fades, her parents must be a sore subject.

"I'm sorry Rosie for what it's worth I think they're wrong. I haven't heard you play yet but you should never give up on your dreams." I paused, "Rosie is going to be auditioning as our drummer." Jessica and Brianna's excitement matches mine.

"But when and where are we going to audition them?" Jessica worries.

"Why don't I ask Mr Matthews if we can use the auditorium or the music room?" Mr Matthews is our music teacher he's everyone's favourite teacher because he's younger than the other teachers.

Brianna frowns, "Will he let us and what about our instruments?"

I'd already thought of that, "Well there's a drum set in the music room and if Mr Matthews says yes I ask if you can lock your guitars in his office. I'll go and ask now." There's still 20 minutes of school left of lunch.

Taking my bag with me this time I head to the music room. It's empty but the teacher is sat at his desk marking some work. I knock to get his attention.

He looks up, "Miss Mercury, what can I do for you?"

I move closer to the desk, "Is it possible to use music room or auditorium after school some time?"

"That would depend on what it's for?"

"Myself and Jessica Daley are starting a band and we have a potential drummer and guitarist but we need to audition them."

He smiles, "Following in your father's footsteps I see. Well, I'm not allowed to leave you unsupervised but if you could be here Wednesday after school, I do late-night marking in this room so you could use it then."

"Thank you, Mr Matthews, that would be amazing. Um... we would need to use the drum kit and Jessica and Brianna would need to bring their guitars but they don't want them broken or seen."

"Tell them to come here Wednesday morning and I will lock them in my office, and the drum kit is in here so you can use it. I'm always happy to support a music project."

End of Amelia's POV


Amelia relayed the information to the girls and they are beyond excited. When Amelia got to her temporary home that afternoon she was buzzing to tell Veronica.

"Hey Aunt V!" She calls coming in the front door, thankfully Laura is already awake.

Veronica is helping Robert with his homework, he had started nursery the day Amelia started high school, "Hello love, your very lively. Good day at school?"

"Yes! It's finally happening, I met the new girl at school today and she's a drummer. I spoke to our music teacher and we can use the music room to audition Brianna and Rosie, the new girl, on Wednesday. So I'll be back later than normal if that's okay?" Amelia spoke a hundred miles a minute but Veronica managed to get everything.

"That's great Milly and of course it's okay. I don't mind as long as I know where you are?" Amelia sat next to Robert helping him with his homework while Veronica starts dinner.

"So have you thought of a name?"

Amelia frowns, "What for?"

Veronica chuckles, "For the band."

"Oh, um... no, I hadn't thought of that. How did I not think of that?" Amelia slumps in her chair, she grabs a piece of paper and starts writing ideas, she sat there for ages but nothing seems to work. This task needs teamwork.

Hey guys,

My new story is up 'Who Am I?'. If your a Harry Potter fan, feel free to check it out. Don't worry it won't affect me writing this story.

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