First Date

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Amelia had told Freddie everything when he called the night second night of her stay at Roger's and he was less than calm. He was hurt that Amelia hadn't told him in the first place but he was more angry that it happened at all.

When Roger toke her home on Sunday night Freddie is already waiting for her, the site of the bruises around her eyes and nose turns his anger to full-on rage, "Why wouldn't you tell me what was going on? This could have stopped before it began. Does the school know?"

Roger jumps in to answer that question, "they are aware of Friday's incident and there is a meeting at the school tomorrow with the headteacher."

The meeting went well on Amelia's part they had taken on board of her various accounts of Michael's bullying both inside and outside of school, that mixed with the verbal bullying on Jessica and the other girls as well as a few other students in the school from year 7 and year 8, built up a huge case against Michael and ended with him being expelled from the school.

Michael's mother had been mortified to hear so many verbal and physical bullying and apologised a million times over. Freddie also made it clear that if he so much as came near his daughter or any of the girls at this school he would go straight to the police. He was tempted to do it any way but he doesn't want to put Amelia through the court process that this case would inevitably turn into.

Later that evening they sat at the table eating their dinner, they'd both enough the Michael stuff so Freddie changes the tune, "So I couldn't help but hear Roger reminding you to ask me about this Saturday, what did he mean?"

Amelia's eyes widen, "I was meant to tell you on the phone but the other topic took over. Um... your remember Ben?"

Freddie sighs, "Yes how could I forget although I'm thankful he helped you on Friday. What's he got to do with Saturday?"

"Well... as we were walking to Roger's car he um... he asked me out on a date this Saturday." Amelia anxiously waits for his reaction.

"Where's he taking you?"

"I don't know it's a surprise."

As much as he wanted to say no, he knew that Amelia would beg and plead with him so he came to a compromise, "If he will come here first so I can have a word with him, you can go."

She knew better than to argue so she agrees, praying that her dad won't frighten him off while Freddie is silently praying that he will, I need back up for this one.


Amelia's POV

Saturday afternoon I sat at my makeup table finish my eye make-up, Ben will be here at 4 o'clock so I have 20 minutes, when someone knocked on my door and looking through my mirror I see my dad stood at my closet door, "Do I look okay?" I ask applying a touch of lipgloss and perfume.

Dad smiles, "Beautiful and if he doesn't think so he needs his eyes checking. You really don't need that makeup, you know."

I frown looking it over in the mirror, "Why does it look bad?"

"No, no it looks lovely but I meant you don't need it because you're beautiful without it." He sat on the bench next to me, "Please don't push yourself if your not ready if he tries anything and your not comfortable tell him. If he doesn't respect that then he doesn't care about you." Like in all moments like this, he kissed my forehead.

"The make-ups mostly to cover the bruising and I don't think he'd do that but I promise." The bruises have faded a considerable amount but I still look like I haven't slept for a week without the make-up.

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