New Friend

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Amelia's POV

It's lunchtime, Jessica and I are in our usual spot under the tree. It's an unusually warm day so we sat without our blazers on enjoying the sun.

"I can't wait to see your new house today and Romeo, I've missed him and look..." she rummaged through her bag and pulled out a cat wand toy, "It's for him to play with."

As soon as she pulled it out I started laughing, "I'm sure he will love it but you didn't have to buy him anything."

She blushed, "But mum won't let me have a cat so I have to spoil yours instead," she sheepishly pulls out a bag of cat treats, "these are for the others cats so they don't feel left out."

We fell silent for a few minutes until Jessica spoke again, "Oh my god, look who's over there."

I looked at where she is pointing and see a boy with brown spiky hair and a scowl, it didn't register at first but then it hit me, it couldn't be.

I look back at her shocked, "Is that... Michael Owens?"

"Yeah, he's in one of the other tutor groups. I just hope we don't have many classes with him."

"Me too but he's leaving us alone for now and he might not recognise us." It wouldn't take long for him to find out but for now, we are safe.

I heard giggling coming from behind me, looking over my shoulder I see two of the already named year 7 mean girls stood a bit away from us but they are pointing and laughing in our direction.

At first, I thought they were laughing at us but they are looking to my right, turning more on my spot I notice a girl sat alone reading a book further around the tree.

The girl has thick reddish-brown hair and wore black-framed glasses, I turn back to Jessica whispering, "Do you know that girl?"

Jessica looks over my shoulder keeping her voice low, "No but I think she's in our music class though and maths. She's always by herself."

"I haven't noticed her before has she been there all week? At lunchtimes I mean?"

"I don't think so, just yesterday. I didn't say anything coz I thought some friends might have joined her but they never did." Jessica looked guilty. The means girls are still laughing probably making fun of her for being alone but I wasn't going to let it continue, everyone deserves at least one friend.

"Well, I'm going to talk to her." I got up and approached her slowly, I don't want to scare her.

The girl looks up as my shadow cased over her, "Can I sit?" I asked pointing to the spot next to her, she looks surprised but nods.

As I sat next to her I took note of the book she is reading, "Bridge to Terabithia that's a good one."

She looks unsure of what to say but chose to ignore my comment and ask her own question, "Why are you talking to me?" I could tell she didn't mean it in a bad way.

"Why wouldn't I talk to you?"

"Because I'm the school nerd and loner no one ever talks to me, that's why those girls are laughing at me." The means girls have stopped laughing now their jaws dropped.

"Is it because you don't want friends or do you just struggle to make any?"

"I find it hard to make friends those girls over there were in my primary school, they made fun of me since then. It started when I got my glasses." She pushed her glass back up to the bridge of her nose.

"Well there's nothing wrong with glasses, I think they suit you and there's nothing wrong with being a nerd either. In fact, I am a bit of a nerd myself, I like maths and history and I love to read."

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