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Amelia's POV

When I woke up the next morning it is nearly 11 o'clock, grabbing my overnight bag I change into my everyday clothes then head downstairs.

Dominique is sat on the living room floor playing with Felix and his new toys. I then remembered what day it is, "Morning Dom. Happy Birthday, Felix."

Felix starts toddling towards me so I kneel to his level, "Morning Milly, I'm surprised you remembered."

"Of course I remembered, if I'd thought about it last night I could have brought his present but I'll give it to Roger when he takes me home, where is uncle Rog?" I search the room in case I'd missed him.

"He's in the studio, told me to send you through once your up."

"Okay, are you coming?" I coo at Felix as he grabs onto my hair.

"Nope this one is going for a bath," he shouts in protest as Dominique picks him up and I head to the music room.

I found him sat on the couch writing in his notebook, "Morning Uncle Rog." I drop down next to him.

He checks the clock before looking at me, "More like afternoon. Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah, my headache is long gone. Did you ring the school?"

"Of course, I promised didn't I. I told them you weren't very well."

"Thank you," I decided to ask him the pending question, "Have you heard from dad yet?"

He sighs, "Yes, he rang about an hour ago."

"Was he angry?"

"I think he was more worried than anything else and maybe a bit hurt. He was angry at me for taking you but I wasn't going to leave you there."

"I didn't mind him having the party but why couldn't he of had it tonight when I don't have school tomorrow. Sleep wouldn't have mattered then." As I asked the question I realise the answer, "I need to tell you something."

"I'm listening."

I sit back against the couch, "I think it was Paul, he's trying to pull dad away from us."

"What makes you say that?"

"He threatened me last year."

Roger looks pissed off, "He what?! What did he say?"

I explained the meeting for last March when I'd bumped into him on the stairs, "He said that if I kept my attitude up he'd see to it that my dad kicks me out or he'd find a way to make dad leave me."

Roger growls under his breath, "That won't happen Milly. Have you told your dad about what he said?"

"You know he won't hear a bad word against Paul."

"I know what you mean but I'll tell Brian and Deaky so we can keep an eye on him but if god forbid your dad does leave, I promise you can live here."

"You'd do that?"

He looks me right in the eyes, "I promise as long as I'm alive you'll always have a home with me, that's my job as your godfather."

I frown, "You're my godfather?"

He nods frowning, "Did you not know that?"

"No, I kind of assumed I didn't have one or it was Brian because I was close to him when I was younger."

"Do you remember when you first meet your dad in the hospital?"

I thought back to that day, although it was a long time ago I remember it well. My dad and Sally were both in the room but two people stood at the window looking into my room. One was a nurse and the other one was blonde and up until now I've never realised who it was, "You were there, outside the window?"

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