Goodbye For Now

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Throughout this story I am going to be using music that already exists, I mean no offence to any of the artists. I'm not writing the artist out of history, just borrowing the song and I do not own any of the music. For this story please just pretend it was written by Amelia and use your imagination to make it work.

Oh and Happy Live Aid Day!

Thanks, xx

It's the end of March and the band are now in San Francisco. This is the last stop for Amelia, she's going home tomorrow while the band moves on to Canada and then Japan.

They are at the venue, a very large auditorium, setting up for tonight's performance. Roger is setting up his drum kit while Brian and John are tuning their guitars, Amelia sat at Freddie's piano working on the song for her music homework.

Freddie came back into the auditorium from where ever he had been and climbs up on to the stage to sit on the bench next to his daughter, "How's the song going?"

"It sounds better on the piano than on the guitar but I think I've almost finished it. With some work and maybe some other instruments, I think it could be good." She answers him while writing some lyrics in her notebook.

Roger sat on the edge of the drum rise, "What's it about?"

Amelia blushes, "Um... it's about dad." Freddie beams.

"Can we hear it?" John asks looking up from his base having listened to the conversation.

"It still needs a bit of work but okay." Brian stops what he's doing to listen with the other, she clears her throat.

Freddie kissed her forehead when she finished, "Milly I don't think that needs any work, it's a beautiful song. I'm glad I inspired you but I'm not crazy."

Amelia giggles, "You are crazy."

"She right Fred, you are crazy. It's a well-written song Milly, what other instruments did you have in mind for it?" Brian thought it had the potential to be on an album if she wanted to go into music when she is older.

"I'd keep the piano and add the violin or maybe I could change it into a faster version." She sounded like a proper recording artist.

Freddie couldn't believe they were having this conversation with his 6-year-old daughter. He sometimes forgot that she is only a child, she's so mature for her age. "You should keep the song safe for when your older, it will come in handy if you and Jessy are serious about starting that band one day."

"You following in our footsteps Milly?" Roger pipes up finishing the last of the drum set up.

"Yeah, Jessy and I made a promise."

Brian decided to point out the obvious, "But Jessy doesn't play an instrument, does she?"

"She started learning before Christmas how to play the guitar but she wants to follow in Uncle Deaky's footsteps and play the bass." Amelia sends a grin John's way and he blushes a smile tugging at the corner of this lips.

Freddie grins joining in, "She should get our Deaks to be her teacher, she'll be playing in no time."

John blushes even harder, his smile turning into his famous toothy grin. "I don't know about that but she's welcome to come and ask me for help anytime."

"I'll tell her."


Amelia was thankful to have one last show to enjoy before she left, the crowd was far bigger than the first concert but not as big as the arena nights.

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