Back to School

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After doing a bit of maths I realised that Amelia should be 6 years old going into Year 1 not 5 years old. For the story to work I need her to be the right age in school so in this chapter she will turn 6 instead of 5. This means her birth year is 1968, not 1969.

I hope this makes sense sorry for any confusion.

*Warning this chapter contains bullying.*

After their holiday in August, the band got straight back in the studio to finish up their third album 'Sheer Heart Attack.'

With the beginning of September Amelia had her first day back at school and her 6th birthday on the same day.

Like normal Freddie dropped her off that morning and she went to her Year One classroom.

Amelia's POV

I walked into my new classroom and immediately saw Jessica sat at a table and went to sit by her.

"Hey, Milly happy birthday! How was your holiday?" We saw each other twice in the holidays before I went to Cornwall but nothing after that because she went on holiday the day I had got back.

"Thanks, Jessy. It was so good we went to the zoo and the beach and we saw fireworks it was so much fun. What about your holiday?" Jessy attempts to reply but is prevented by the teacher.

"Good morning class, settle down, please. I am Mr Jackson and I will be your Year One teacher." I noticed is man was older then my previous teachers, he seems friendly but stern enough to give someone a good telling off if needed.

"Now we have a new student to the school," he gestures to the boy stood beside him, "this is Michael Owen's, please make him feel welcome class." Michael took a seat in the last available chair at the back of the room. He has light brown spiky hair and a scowl on his face.


It was time for the last break, Jessica and I race out on to the school field into the woodland tree trial to play.

"Hey there's that new kid, do you think we should say hi? Mr Jackson said to make him feel welcome." Jessica points to the boy who sat by himself on the grass bank.

"I don't know, I have a bad feeling about him." I'd usually be the first person to introduce myself but the teacher was right we should make him welcome, he might just be lonely. So I went over first, "Hi it's Michael right?"

He looks up at me with the same scowl from this morning, "yeah, who are you?"

This isn't going to go well I can feel it, "Um... I'm Milly and this is my friend Jessy. We thought you might want to be friends?"

Michael stood up, I realise he is bigger than me and it felt intimating. "Why would I want to be friends with a scar covered freak like you? If I want friends I can find them myself, now leave me alone." He turns to walk away

Jessica shouts after him trying to stick up for me, "Hey! There's no need to be so mean she was just trying to be nice. No wonder you're on your own."

Michael didn't like and turns around racing back towards us we thought he would stop but he barrels straight into us pushing us both over into some mud.

It went all over my school uniform and hands while it got Jessica's hands and knees. But Michael wasn't finished he stomps over pushing mine and Jessica's face into the dirty, "you better not tell anyone about this do you hear?" I whimper nodding and he runs off.

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