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Freddie is home alone when there is a knock at the door, he finds it odd since Jim is in Ireland visiting his family, Amelia had not long left for her day session at the studio with the girls and Joe, Phoebe and Terry have been given the day off. It has to be someone close to the family to get past the gate.

Answering the door he is surprised to find Ben there. It's been two weeks since Amelia's pregnancy announcement and Freddie had released Ben's house ban a week after the announcement, "Hello Ben, Milly is at the studio if you're looking for her."

"No, it's you I've come to talk to actually."

"Oh okay, come on in then," He steps aside letting him in wrecking his brain for a reason why the young lad would need to talk to him, "So what can I do for you?"

Taking a seat across from Freddie, Ben took a deep nervous breath and just went for it, "I would like your permission to ask Milly to marry me?"

"You're not rushing this because of the baby are you?" Freddie knew this was coming but he wants Ben to ask this daughter because he loves her not because she's pregnant.

"Not entirely. We've been together for over 4 years and in that time we have only had one break up which lasted a week. I know we're young but I not asking her to marry me straight away if she wants to wait until after the baby that's fine by me. But I want to be by her side 24/7 to help with the baby and I can't do that if we're living in separate households. I don't want to be a dad that only sees their child on the weekends and watches from the sidelines." The past few weeks Amelia has struggled with her morning sickness, Ben felt annoyed that he couldn't help her.

Freddie understood exactly what he is saying, "I understand what your saying. You have my permission however I want to make a compromise."

Ben nods keen to hear the idea, "I'm listening."

"I am asking you to wait before you ask her, in exchange for you moving in here so you can be round 24/7," It's a big leap but it's the right move. Them moving into there own place wouldn't be the best idea because once that baby is born she will need help.

Ben couldn't agree more, "I think that's a better idea."

Freddie had an idea telling Ben to follow him they head upstairs stopping at the room next to Amelia's bedroom, "What do you think of this room?"

"What for?" Ben asks confused looking around the large room.

"I'd like to say for your bedroom but it wouldn't keep you two apart so if you do move into Milly's room this would be the nursery. It's Tiffany's room at the moment but we can but her with Delilah. In fact are you free for the rest of the day?" Freddie has an idea.

"Yeah, I don't have work so I'm free."

"Let me go call for back up."


An hour later, Brian, John and Roger arrive with no clue as to what is going on, "Fred why are we here?" Brian questions.

"Because this room needs redecorating before Milly gets home."

"You know you can afford to get it done professionally right?" Roger whines.

Ben sighs, "Yes but I'd rather tell my son or daughter that their nursery was painting by me, their grandpa and great uncles. It's more loving than a random stranger." Ben and Roger haven't found a way to get on with each other yet. Ben doesn't have a problem with him but Roger still isn't happy that Ben got his goddaughter pregnant.

John smiles cutting the tension, "I think it's a brilliant idea, I did the nursery for my kids."


Amelia got home later that afternoon to find it quiet downstairs but she can hear voices upstairs. Climbing the stairs she heads to her bedroom the direction that the noise is coming from but stops at the door before.

She listens up against the closed door identifying the voices of Ben, Freddie, Brian, Roger and John. She couldn't make out what they were saying so she gave up and just opens the door. The bedroom that was once home to Tiffany is now a room empty of furniture the walls have been painted white walls with black music notes and the silhouette of different instruments wrapping around the room.

Freddie and Ben are painting the last of the notes while Roger and John are putting some empty picture frames on the walls. Brian is the person that caught her eye most, he is on a ladder at the far end of the room putting something on the ceiling but she couldn't figure out what it is.

They are all so busy working that known of them notice her at the door, "What are you guys doing?" She made them all jump and Brian nearly fell off the ladder.

Ben looks so annoyed, "Oh, it was meant to be a surprise. We made a start on the nursery."

Looking up from his work Freddie grins, "I finally got to use my design skills, do you like it?"

She beams and tears fill her eyes, stupid hormones "It's perfect, better than anything I had thought of. What are you doing Uncle Brian?"

"Ah, let me show you," He got down from the ladder and John closes the curtains, "turn the light off." She flipped the switch and the ceiling illuminates with a glow in the dark solar system. "Since most young children are scared of the dark I thought this would stop that, you like?" Brian smiles proudly.

"Wow it's beautiful, I love it." She flips the light back on so they can continue working, "But if your painting the nursery that means me and the baby will live here but what about Ben?"

"That's already sorted, darling, he's moving in." Amelia took the news and let them get on leaving them too it until they announce they have finished.

She goes back to have another look stopping Roger before he leaves, "Before you go, Uncle Rog, I wanted to ask you a favour?"

He nods, "Name it."

"Will you teach me to drive?" Amelia had gotten her provisional licences for her birthday and wants to start learning before she can't fit behind the stirring wheel.

He looks baffled by the random request, "You do know you have Terry right?"

"Yes but if I'm having a baby being able to drive would probably help and Terry is dad's driver. So will you, please?"

Roger grins, "I don't see why not. How about the first lesson on Saturday?"


Freddie who had been listening from the side pipes up, "Bring my daughter back alive Rog and don't teach her any of your bad habits."

He scoffs, "I'm a model driver thank you."

Amelia laughs, "Yeah coz he's in love with his car."

Rolling his eyes he sighs, "It's a metaphor."


Saturday came around and as promised Roger picks Amelia up and takes her to a quiet estate and pulls up on a long empty street, "Right, I want you to get into the driver's seat and I'll go through the controls."

He gets out the seat and she gets in then he takes the passengers side leaning over to see the paddles, "So going from left to right is clutch, brake and accelerator. You might need to adjust the seat using the lever under the seat." Amelia adjust the seat accordingly.

"Okay, so the brake and accelerator are self-explanatory yes?"

"Yeah, one stops it the other makes it go."

"Good," He continues to explain everything from the mirrors to the gears. Eventually, she puts the key in and she starts on a slow speed getting a feel for the different paddles. Roger is surprised at how quickly she picks everything up, "You sure you haven't done this before?"

She giggles, "No although the last few months I have been paying attention whenever I've been sat in the front seat." They continue the lesson and he teaches her all the basics as they go.

Bit of a random chapter but I wanted a bit of fluff before the next chapter, it's an intense one. Also, I've got my driving test in two weeks guys so nervous.

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