Small World

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Guy's 600+ reads that's insane! I know I say this every time but it really does mean the world to me, thank you so much for reading my work.

When Amelia had realised she wouldn't be going to America to meet her dad, she was disappointed. But Freddie had foolishly promised to take her on holiday.

This was foolish because Freddie could only just afford to pay the rent, let alone go on holiday.

So this puts him in a dilemma he wanted to take her away, it would be her first holiday and a treat for finishing her school year.

She's now off until school reopens in September. He needs to do something with her and he needed a break too. Surprisingly it was Roger who came up with a good solution.

Roger suggested a trip down to Cornwall they could stay with his parents. So it wouldn't cost them a thing.

That is how Roger, Freddie, Brian, John and Amelia ended up stuck in a car on the motorway on one of the warmest days of in August. Lucky the traffic is moving and they have the air con on full but with five people in one car plus luggage, it really isn't enough.

Roger is driving with Freddie in the front seat next to him while Brian and John were in the back with Amelia in the middle. The journey is about five and a half hours long and for the first 2 hours it was pretty uneventful, Amelia slept on Brian most of the way but now she was starting to stir and the first thing that pops to her mind is that she desperately needs to pee.

"Dad? I need the toilet." She whines crossing her legs.

"Next services are in 2 miles we can stop there. So about 5 minutes Okay?" Roger informs keeping his eyes on the road.

"Okay." They were all thankful for the stop, a chance to stretch there legs and get some food as well as using the bathroom. After fifteen minutes they were refreshed and back on the road.

Another three hours later they arrive in Truro, they turn into the street that leads to Rogers parents.

Out of nowhere, Amelia spoke, "Daddy? Where are we?" she asks looking out the window.

"We're in Truro, darling. The turning at the end of this road leads to Rogers childhood home."

"Are you giving me back to mama?" Amelia starts to worry thinking her dad doesn't want her anymore.

Freddie frowns, "Of course not, we would you think that?"

"Oh but that's Mama's house." She points out the window and Roger slams on the breaks, shoots them all forward in their seats, thankfully no one is following. They all turn to look at Amelia with a conjoined 'what?'

Amelia shrank back in her seat not liking the stares. "That's Mama's house over there."

Again she points to a house across the street, it stood out a mile between the other houses that were all well kept with green flowery gardens and clean windows but the house Amelia pointed to looks derelict with boarded-up windows and a dead overgrown front garden. It was the scene of a scary movie.

Freddie looks at the house then back at Amelia, "Are you sure, sweetheart?"

"Yeah, I remember the gnome on the doorstep and I was born in Cornwall it says so on my birth certificate." Freddie thought back to the document and sure enough, it did read her birthplace as Truro, Cornwall.

"She's not lying, her certificate does say Truro, Cornwall." He confirms, "I'd forgotten that but there's no need to worry love. Your mother is locked away she's can't get to you, and as I promised before you are never going back. I wouldn't want you too."

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