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May 1976

Once again May is here and Queen is taking a much-needed break from writing, recording and touring. But they were still busy in fact the Brian was busy with making the final arrangements for this wedding.

Yep, that's right, Brian is getting married to Chrissie Mullen on the 29th of May. But right now it's the Saturday before the wedding, and Amelia is having some quality father-daughter time with Freddie.

They were spending the day clothes shopping. Amelia has had a sudden growth spurt in the last few months and most for her clothes no longer fit her.

Now that the band are finally earning, quite substantially after the 'night at the opera' album was their biggest selling album, Freddie has the luxury of buying without worrying and can spoil her a bit.

Unfortunately, one thing Freddie hadn't thought about was the press. From the moment they reached the new Brent Cross shopping centre, Freddie noticed one man was already following them and taking pictures and he knew it would be long before more arrived.

Trying to put it to the back of his mind Freddie took Amelia into the first store of the day, thankfully the cameraman didn't follow them into the store, so Freddie relaxes.

Half an hour later they had finished in the first store as they approached the door Freddie could see the man is still outside. "Amelia sweetheart," He crouches in front of his daughter, "I need you to listen okay?"

She nods, "When we go out of this store there is going to be some people with cameras. I need you to stay close to me, keep hold of my hand and do not talk to them if they ask you questions."

He stood back up and they walked to the next store. As he predicted there is now more than one camera, the flashes were blinding and the shouting of questions made Freddie irritated.

Not only were they asking him questions but they were trying to get to Amelia as well. Freddie doesn't mind this sort of thing when he is on tour or with the band, but he's trying to have a normal day with his daughter it makes him angry.

The media don't really know much about Amelia, Freddie hasn't kept her a secret but he hadn't pushed her into the limelight either. They knew Amelia was his daughter but that was it and after 3 years of no information the press is now extremely determined for some answers.

They hurry into the next shop and take their time looking, in no hurry to be blinded again. The duo prepared themselves for the onslaught of questions as they finish paying, but they left the store this time the press are being forced outside by the centre's security.

A man in uniform came up to them, "I do apologise for the interference they have caused you during your shopping trip, Sir. We will try to keep them at bay for the remainder of your visit."

Freddie smiled at the man, "And I apologise for causing such a riot in your centre, I was just trying to have a normal day with my daughter. It slipped my mind that it might cause a problem of this sort."

"That's quite alright, everyone deserves to shop in peace. Just a note from my manager that he has asked me to inform you that if you plan to come here again in the future give the centre a ring to warns us you are coming and we can have security on stand by." He passed Freddie a note with the centre number on it.

Freddie smile grew and he takes the piece of paper, "That's very kind of you. I will do that, oh, I should warn that another band member will be joining us around lunchtime."

"Understood we will ensure he is not bothered either."

"Thank you very much." Now a lot more relaxed the duo continue their shopping without any hassle.

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