Getting Ready

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As promised the lads came round the next morning to help. John brought some paint, himself and Brian got to work painting while Roger, Mary and Freddie took the van and went out to find a bed and other furnishings for the room.

They didn't have a lot of money but between them, they managed to get most of what they needed. Freddie wanted to spoil her and one day he would, but he was also aware that he didn't know what Amelia liked so, for now, he'd keep it simple. The bed was the last thing found and after loaded it into the van and they head back.

Freddie was surprised to find the painting almost finished it looks good considering how dull the room was to start with. He took over the last of painting with John while Brian helps Roger reassemble the bed.

Mary made herself busy making them some lunch and they took a break when it was ready.

"Do you think she'll like it here, mate?" John asks taking a bite of his sandwich.

"I hope so, dear. But I think she might find it all a bit overwhelming, to begin with." Freddie hadn't told anyone about the information he and Sally had found out from the girl yesterday, not even Mary, he couldn't quite believe it himself.

"How come?" Brian queries.

"Roger, you remember I brought that cat teddy for Amelia?" Roger nods, "well when I gave it to her I told her it was a cat my favourite animal. But when I asked her what her favourite animal was she couldn't tell me." They look just as concerned as Freddie had.

"That disgusting mother of hers and the mother's monstrosity of a boyfriend kept her locked in that room," Freddie explains.

"Some people shouldn't be allowed to be parents," John mutters.

"We'll just have to teach her then." Brian smiles.

"Yes we will," Freddie claps his hands standing up "now let's stop this depressing atmosphere, darlings and get back to work, we have a bedroom to finish."

They spent the next hour building the last of the furnisher and adding the finishing touches. When they were done they stood back to admire their hard work.

It was simple but bright and easy to chance if the girl didn't like it. All that was needed now was some more toys and clothes. Amelia only had a few things that social services gave her, the ones she was wearing when they found her went in the bin.

"I think it looks wonderful. Thank you for the help dears but now Mary and I need to get going. We have a child waiting for us." Same as yesterday, John and Brian left while Roger gave them both a lift to the hospital but he didn't stay this time they'd get a taxi back later.


Knocking on the door Freddie walks in holding it open for Mary. He could instantly tell that Amelia was feeling better. She's sat up in bed picking at some food on the little table in front of her, her new teddy snuggled into her side. Some of her bruises seem to be fading too.

Sally was sat in the chair next to her. Amelia's eyes light up along with that small smile when she sees him. "Hello Amelia, good afternoon Sally." He greets with a cheery smile, sitting on the end of the bed.

"Good afternoon Mr Mercury, Miss Austin," Sally answers politely.

Freddie keeps his attention on Amelia, he didn't get much of a chance to get to know her yesterday but he was going to try today. "I see teddy's keeping you company, does he have a name yet?" He asks lightly.

She just shakes her head, hugging the teddy closer. Her eyes look to Mary in a silent question. Using that queue he introduces her. "As promised I brought my girlfriend to meet you," he motions Mary forward, "Amelia, this is Mary."

Walking around the bed Mary sits on the other side of the bed next to Freddie. "Hello Amelia it's nice to meet you, am I allowed to call you Milly?" She thinks for a moment before nodding enthusiastically.

Mary gives her the once over as Freddie continues to talk to her. Thinking back to the picture Mary saw of the girl's mother, Amelia has her mothers face shape and nose but her skin and hair colour though her hair needs a good wash, her eye colour and shape are all the same as Freddie's.

Sally asks to speak with Freddie so Mary stays with her while they step out the room.

"Is something wrong?" Freddie asks concerned there was a problem with his daughter.

"Not wrong no." Sally signs "Amelia has been recovering very well, she's healing nicely and her malnourishment is already starting to improve, you can see she has a lot more energy already, but you might have noticed that her hair is still dirty?"

"I had noticed, I assume there's a reason?" He had been worried about that.

"We tried her with a bath last night but it didn't go very well she was scared and getting increasingly upset by it so we stopped. I know you only met her yesterday but I get the feeling she trusts you, so I wondered if you might encourage her to try again?" Freddie agrees and he heads back in while Sally goes to get the nurse.

Back in the room, he sees that Mary has taken the chair next to the bed and is reading one of the picture books to Amelia helping her identify some of the pictures.

Freddie watches them for a moment smiling then Sally comes in with the nurse. "Nurse is ready when Amelia is." She murmurs.

"Milly?" He gets her attention and crouched against the bed so he's level with her, "Sally tells me you didn't like having a bath yesterday, is that right?" She cowers her head and nods, not looking at him.

Amelia felt sure she was in trouble but the telling off doesn't come. Freddie just tilts her head up to look her in the eye. "I'm not angry Milly, but do you have a bad experience with water?" She nods.

Freddie doesn't need to know what the experience was. "Okay, well I promise we aren't going the hurt you. The water is going to make your hair clean and soft." Mary leans forward to help him.

"Milly, you feel how soft my hair is?" She reaches out to touch Mary's hair it is very soft and silky, "well if you have a bath we can get your hair that soft too."

Amelia like that idea, so she took Freddie's hand and let him lead her to the bathroom.


Bath time went much better this time, Freddie kept her calm while Mary and the nurse work to get the dirt and grime out. It took about an hour but when they were done they found her hair was actually in good condition and lucky there's no head lace.

As Mary had predicted Amelia's hair is a dark brown almost black colour like Freddie's and thanks to the conditioner they had used, her hair was fairly easy to brush only a few knots. That's what Mary is doing when the doctor walks in alongside Sally.

Freddie stands to greet the man shaking his hand. The doctor checks Amelia's vital signs and paperwork before speaking. "Well Mr Mercury your daughter appears to be healing nicely so if Mrs Phillips agree with me I'm happy to discharge Amelia into your care tomorrow afternoon."

"I'm more than happy to agree with that. In fact, I have the paperwork here that legally states that you now have full custody of Amelia, Miss James no longer has any accesses to her, I have also received the word that her surname has officially been changed to Mercury, the official documents are in the post." Sally directs her attention to Freddie who couldn't be more thrilled at the news.

Thanks for reading xx

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