Favourite Uncles

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After stopping at a cafe to get some lunch the trio makes it home and Freddie put Amelia down for a nap. She put up a fight at first not wanting him to leave so he stayed until she falls asleep. Once again Jerry curled himself up next to her, he'd sort of become a guard cat for the girl.

Quietly pulling the door to he joins Mary on the sofa. "You alright?" She asks.

He sighs dropping down next to her, "I made a promise that I'd always protect her and within her first 24 hours in my care, I lost her." He couldn't get the image of her scared face out of his mind and the way she sobbed into his shoulder made his heartache.

"Freddie these things happen all the time in shops, I've lost count of the number of times I've found a lost child in Biba. But the main thing is we found her." Mary knew he's beating himself up about this. "At least you cared enough to worry, I don't believe her mother would have."

"I suppose." It didn't stop him from doubting his abilities as a dad though.


Later that evening, not long after Mary had left for her night shift the door buzzer went off. Freddie checks out the window to see his bandmates waiting, he presses the button to let them up.

Instead of knocking as Brian had intended, Roger just barges in like he owned the place. "Where is she then?"

"Oh come in Roger, don't mind me." Freddie greets sarcastically.

Roger just waits for an answer to his question, "She was asleep Rog, though I doubt she will be now with that entrance. I'll go and wake her."

"At least she wasn't in here, you'd of given the poor girl a heart attack." John murmurs taking a seat.

"Yeah, chill out mate. You don't want to frighten her." Brian warns while petting Tom.

Roger glares at them, "if anyone's gonna scare her, it would be you Bri. With your giant height and poodle hair."

There bickering continues as Freddie walks away. Pushing the door open, giving Milly's shoulder a gentle shake.

Milly stirs rubbing her eyes as he spoke, "There are some people here to meet you, Milly, do you want to come and meet them?"

Hesitantly she takes his hand letting him lead her to the living room. She sees three men and immanently feels nervous. Pulling her hand out of her dad's she stops.

Freddie kneels beside her, "They won't hurt you, Milly. They might look big and scary but I promise you there not." Giving her a comforting smile.

The bandmates notice the girl and stop there squabble. Not wanting to scare her any more than she is already, they let her come to them.

Although Roger had already seen her, he didn't truly realise how small she was till now. He remembers his little sister, Clare at this age and she wasn't that small.

Freddie introduces them to her, "Milly, this is Brian," pointing to the one with the curly hair.

"Roger," the one with yellow hair.

"And John, though you can call him Deaky, we all do. There my brothers and bandmates" The one with long hair.

They gave her a kind smile. Freddie had told Amelia about the band when she saw him writing in his notebook.

Roger is the first to kneel on her level, it was only at this moment that Freddie realised there each holding a present for her. This may seem like simple gift-giving but Freddie knew full well that they were competing to be the favourite uncle.

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