Tour Bus

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After breakfast, they all hopped into a taxi heading for the New York coach station where their tour bus is waiting for them.

It is still early in the day and the station is quiet, in one word the tour bus is big, there are six bunks; two on one side four on the other and a toilet/bathroom at the front then the back has two booth style tables, a tiny kitchenette and a seating area right at the back.

Their first show is tomorrow night in Ohio so leaving New York now they will arrive sometime tomorrow morning.

Amelia was excited about the show, she's never seen Queen performance on stage and tomorrow night she would watch her first-ever concert.

Back to the bus, they have just pulled out of the station and they were already bricking over who gets which bunk, obviously Amelia automatically has one of the bottom bunks as she is too small to reach the top but she let them get on with it and went to kneel on one of the seats staring out the window.

She watches as the jungle of skyscrapers turn into wide open roads till eventually she had enough and climbs down from the seat to her suitcase on the spare bunk.

She routes through until she finds what she is looking for, the work folder that school have given her.

Closing her suitcase again she takes the folder to the unoccupied table, the other table is being used for the boys first round of scrabble.

There's a lot in the folder but she would be missing two and a bit months of school. Going through it she found something for every subject, a project for music and art, a booklet for maths, science and English and then a combined project for history and geography.

Amelia chose to do the maths booklet first, it starts off easy getting hard as it goes along but it's thick so it will keep her occupied. She wasn't phased by the loud chatter coming from the other table, in fact, she preferred.

At the end of their second-round scrabble, Brian and John, decide to have another game while Freddie and Roger move to sit and watch from the back seating area, chatting back and forth.

When Roger gets up to grab his notebook Freddie averted his gaze from the window realise he hasn't bothered to check what his daughter is up to. He sees her seat to the other table quietly working through her school work.

Roger drops back down next to him, "Are you sure she's your daughter? Coz when she's like that I swear she's Brian's," He gestures to Amelia who is concentrating with the tip of her tongue sticking out as she writes.

Freddie snorts seeing Brian blush having heard the comment, "Oh she's definitely mine, far too dramatic to be Brian's. But I do believe she has forgotten she's not in school."

He gets up moving to sit by his daughter "Milly? You alright sweetheart?" but she is far too engrossed to hear him. He chuckles at her self absorbed state.

He was about to try again when she closes the booklet with a quiet 'done' putting the pencil down. She then realises that everyone is watching her and startles herself finding her dad suddenly next to her, when did he get there?

"You were very engrossed Darling, what were you doing?" Freddie asks again.

"The maths booklet from my school work folder."

He takes the booklet and has a flick through it, checking his watch he realises that she has finished the entire booklet in two hours and there had to be at least 200 questions in it. "Amelia you finished the entire booklet in two hours!"

"Wow, she really is Brian's," John mutters followed by a loud 'ow' when Brian kicks him under the table.

Freddie rolls his eyes turning his attention back to his daughter, "That's impressive, but you do have two months to complete that folder. You don't have to do it in one day."

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