Time to Say Goodbye

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*Warning this is a very sad one*

Despite Freddie's illness he pushed on to record the last lyrics for Queen's new and final album. July of 1991 saw him appear for the last time on camera but his declining health is very evident in his appearance. Even with that the media still haven't been told that he has aids.

September of 1991 Amelia celebrated her 23rd birthday and Freddie celebrated his 45th though they spent it together in his room watching films and eating all his favourite foods.

Baby Freddie is now a happy toddler nearing his 3rd birthday. He has his father's green eyes ones that Amelia finds very hard to say no to. Freddie himself still insists that on spending time with his grandson sharing cuddles, reading kids book and listening to music.

On the 23rd of November, an announcement was made to the Queen fans about Freddie's aids diagnosis. The early hours of the next morning Amelia is woken by Jim shaking her shoulder, "Milly."

She yawns before sitting up in bed, "Is it dad?"

"He's asking for you. I um..." the tears in Jim's eyes set her off, "think he's nearly there."

Turning to Ben who is also awake, he speaks before she does, "Go to him, babe. I'll get Freddie if he wakes."

She follows Jim to the door but he stops her, "I'll be back in a moment but I'm going to call the others let them know what's..." he is interrupted when Phoebe comes out from his room.

Phoebe usually goes home at night but with Freddie being so ill he wants to be around to help where needed, "I'll do that Jim, you two need to be with him."

Inside the room, Freddie lies on the left side of the bed, his breathing shallow but noise, "Daddy?" Amelia whispers climbing on the right side of the bed. Jim stays back by the window.

Freddie opens his eyes a bit, the smallest smile tugs at his lips, "come... here... sweetheart." His voice his below a whisper and she knows the energy it is taking him to speak. She tucks her feet under the covers cuddling into his side rest her head on his chest but looking up at him.

Whispering she kisses his cheek, "I love you, dad," Her tears streaming down her face, "I'm going to miss you so much."

"I'm so... proud... of you. I'm glad... you came... into my... life."

She wraps her arm around his chest, "So am I, but I'm not ready to be without you."

He presses a light kiss to her forehead wiping her tears away, "You don't... need me. You... have Ben... and Freddie. Focus... on them." They lay there for a while in silence only their breathing to be heard. Jim joins them sitting on Freddie's left side holding his hand.

"Milly..." Freddie whispers.

She looks back up at him, "Yeah?"

"I love... you... too." He presses another kiss to her forehead and she listens to his shallow breaths until eventually, they stop.

Amelia curls her arms around him sobbing uncontrollably into his chest, she lay there for ages silently praying for someone to bring him back.

No one could move her not Jim or Ben both them as upset themselves. Slowly the others turned up crying and grieving taking it in turns to go up and say their goodbyes to Freddie some try to get Amelia to come away while others don't have the heart to. The last person to go up is Roger.

He says his goodbyes to his friend and brother before focusing on Amelia, "Don't make me uncle Rog. Please don't make me let him go. I can't."

Cupping her face he wipes her tears away, "I know it hurts Milly. But he wouldn't want you to hold on to him like this. He would want you to grieve of course but he would then want you to go out there and take care of his grandson. Your little Freddie is upset out there because he knows his mum is upset he can't see you."

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