Rockfield Farm

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Freddie walked into breakfast the next morning with Amelia skipping alongside him and the other three were arguing, "Morning sorry we're late, what did we miss?"

"We're discussing Roger's car song," John replies looking over his shoulder, Amelia hops up onto the stool between Brian and John eating the plate of food already waiting for her.

"I but my heart and soul into this song and you don't like it because you want your songs on the album." Roger glares accusing Brian and John.

John shakes his head, "It's not that, mate."

"I'm in love with my car... maybe it's not strong enough," Brian stares at him pointedly.

"Oh, and how does your new song go?" Roger snatches the piece of paper from Brian, "You call me sweet like I'm some kind of cheese."

Amelia snicker and Brian gives her a playful shove, "It's good. I mean... when my hand is on your grease gun? It's not very subtle."

"It's a metaphor, Brian!"

"It's just a bit weird Roger. What exactly are your doing with that car?" John taunts.

Freddie jumps in to break them up, "Children please, we could all murder each other but then who would be left to record this album?"

Amelia's hand shot up, "Me! I'll do it."

"Thank you, Milly. You see there's only one child in the room and she's acting like the adult. Roger, there's only room in this band for one hysterical Queen." Freddie wanders off to have a cigarette but Amelia stays to finish her breakfast.

"I know why your angry Rog," Roger refocuses on Brian as he spoke, "You know your song isn't strong enough."

Roger lost it, grabbing the bacon he just finished cooking, "Is that strong enough?" he throws it at Brian, Amelia duck under the counter taking her food with her.

He starts throwing other stuff, "how about that?" Roger blindly grabs the coffee machine, Brian and John yell, "Not the coffee machine!" he stops putting it back down and storms off.


A little while later Amelia was playing hide and seek with John, he wasn't needed in the studio at the moment and agreed to play.

Amelia is currently sat in a cupboard hiding but she has been there awhile. She was about the get out when the door opens put it wasn't John.

Roger climbs in and sat opposite her with snacks in his arms, he pulls the door shut and locks it, then looks at her confused not realising she was in there. "What are you doing in here?"

"I'm playing hide and seek with uncle Deaky, why are you in here?"

"But Deaky's in the... you know what never mind, I'm protesting to get my song on the album." They both accepted each other's answers and sat there in awkward silence.

Minutes later someone bangs on the cupboard, "Roger get out of the bloody cupboard!" It was Brian, John and Freddie hung back by the door.

"No, not until my song is put on the album!"

"Stop being a fucking child and come out!" He pulls at the door but it wouldn't budge.

"Piss off, Brian!"

Amelia decides to make her presents known, "You shouldn't be swearing around me!"

That grabs Freddie's attention, "Milly? Why are you in there?"

"I was playing hide and seek with uncle Deaky."

"Were you?" Freddie questions turning to John who facepalmed looking like a rabbit in headlights, "I completely forgot about that."

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