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Slight fanfiction crossover here guys.

Queen are mid-way through their second week of the tour. Having finish there show in Boston they got straight back on the bus back to New York.

They would travel till just past midnight, then stop at a trunk stop for a while for the driver to get some sleep, before carrying on to arrive in New York by morning.

This is by Brian's order as he wanted to keep his self-made promise to take Amelia to that museum.

"Now that Amelia is asleep, will you please tell us why you are so eager to get to New York?" Freddie asks sitting at the scrabble table having just put Amelia to bed.

"I made a promise to take her to that museum and I'm not going to break it. We only have the morning to explore the museum before we need to be at the venue for a soundcheck." They only have the one show in New York tomorrow night then they're on to the next city.

Brian really wants her to enjoy the museum without having to rush.

"Is it an open invitation or just for the two of you?" John inquires looking his scrabble letters.

"No, you guys can come if you want but don't tell Milly, I want to surprise her." Brian averts his eye's to Amelia's bunk making sure she hasn't heard him.

"We won't say a word."


Morning arrives quicker than expected, Brian, John and Amelia get off the bus and head in the direction of the museum. Freddie and Roger chose to sit it out in favour of some shopping instead.

Brian has told Amelia they were going back to the park but there is a surprise for her when they get there.

As they get closer to their destination Brian picks her up and tell her to close her eyes until he says so.

Arriving at the park entrance across from the museum he puts her down facing her towards the building, telling her to open her eye's.

It took her a moment to realise but when she doesn't Brian's efforts were rewarded. She jumps up and down with excitement, "We're at the museum! Are we going in this time?!"

"Yes, we're going in." Squealing very loudly she hugs Brian's leg and eagerly takes both their hands a pull them towards the doors.

It still early in the day so the museum is nice and quiet, meaning that they could go straight to the reception desk to pay.

Well, Brian did, Amelia pulled John to a stop and stood gobsmacked by the giant T-Rex skeleton at the entrance doors.

John chuckles taking a picture of this moment to show Freddie later and to embarrass her when she is older.

Brian turns around from paying to see her still stood there, "Milly we stand staring at the T-Rex all day we won't have time to see anything else."

Snapping out of her amazement they start in a random direction, not before John buys her the guide book.

Once again Amelia reads about each exhibit as they go along, John can now see what Brian had meant about feeling like she was the teacher, who needs a tour guide when you have her.


They went from exhibit to exhibit learning as much history as possible, they saw the ocean life, hall of miniatures, cavemen, civil war and Amelia's personal favourite the hall of African mammals.

Walking around the last of the museum, Brian and John were busy chatting away while Amelia follows behind reading the guide as they go. They went down a hall that led to the stairs when she noticed something shiny out the corner of her eye.

Turning to see what it was she stood in front of a large doorway that leads into an Egyptian style exhibit, it was dark and the spotlights gave it an eerie atmosphere.

Looking down that the map this room isn't on there. The plaque next to the door reads 'The Tomb of Ahkmenrah' and another sign temporary sign underneath says 'new exhibit not on the maps yet.'

Not thinking to tell her uncle where she is going, Amelia wanders into the large exhibit. There are two giant Anubis statues standing guard just inside the doorway on each side of the pathway.

Walking along the black marble pathway she passes two cases, one with a crown-like hat and sceptres the others held a matching jewelled neck collar, cape and skirt.

But the thing that had caught her eye, to begin with, hung on the wall right at the end of the exhibit, the pathway opens up into a room with hieroglyphics on the walls. In the middle was a Pharaoh's tomb and on the wall behind it was a gold tablet. Amelia was mesmerized by it.


Brian and John kept walking down the hall chatting away, Brian checks his watch realising it's time for them to go, "Right we have to go, Milly, have you had a good time?"

He asked the question but continues to walk thinking she is right behind them, it was John that turns to see she is not, "Oh, sh*t!"

Brian turns around himself to an empty hallway, "F**k! How could we lose her? She was right behind us." He starts to panic, there going to have to call the police and he's going to have to tell Freddie he lost his daughter, he's is going to kill him.

"Look let's not panic, how about we backtrack? She can't have gone far, she was there when we looked a few minutes ago." John wasn't sure if he was trying to reassure himself or Brian, but either way, it did nothing to calm them.

Going back down the hall they just came up, they want past the doorway nearly missing it again but John pulls Brian to a stop.

Pointing into the exhibit they see Amelia sat on the floor in front of the tomb, having found a bit in her guide book about the new exhibit she sat to read it.

They both breathe a sigh of relief, "Amelia! Why didn't you tell us you were coming in here? We thought we'd lost you."

She looks up from her book, "Sorry Uncle Brian, I got sidetracked."

"Just tell us next time okay?" Brian insisted.


He gave her a minute to finish looking but John mind was fixed on something else, "Did you not notice that she just called you Brian instead of Brimi?" He whispers in Brian's ear.

Brian's eyes widen in realisation "so she did that means she's growing up," before turning into a frown, "But I liked her calling me Brimi." He looked like a sulky child having his favourite toy taken away.

John rolls his eyes taking Amelia's hand and leading her away before Brian can have a full tantrum.

Brian sees them leaving a catches up with them, "John! We do not tell Freddie we lots her got it."

"To the right, we're not telling Fred, he'd skin us alive."

Sorry if this isn't the chapter you were hoping for, I had a bit of writer's block during this chapter and a temporary obsession with Rami Malek as Ahkmenrah after watching night at the museum again.

I do not own any of the night at the museum stuff.

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