The studio

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This chapter was inspired by the gorgeous photo above of Roger and his daughter Rory.

In the weeks after that follow, Sally came back at the end of the first week and she was happy with Amelia's progress so life took on a routine. Mary would look after her at night when Freddie was at the studio and Freddie would look after her in the day around working at the stall.

They did have the trouble at first when both of them were at work at the same time but Brian, Roger and John each offered to look after her when that was the case.

Tonight Mary had to work a late shift, the shop doesn't have them very often just every once in a blue moon and unfortunately, Freddie had to be at the studio. Which meant the is no one to look after Amelia.

His parents are busy so the only option is to take her with him to the studio.


They arrive at the studio twenty minutes late where John and Roger are already arguing.

"Your late Fred- oh" Roger cut his sentence short when he notices Amelia holding his hand. Roger scoops the girl up receiving a squeal from her.

"Yes well a certain someone insisted she wear her sparkly pink shoes and they're a nightmare to get on her feet." Freddie gave him a pointed look, it was Rogers fault for buying the blood things they were all she ever wanted to wear, even in the summer.

"Oh well, that's okay then. Got to look good, look Milly we match." He points to his own glittery shoes. Amelia babbles in agreement, distracted by his necklaces.

She wasn't on his hip for long as Brian comes out of the recording booth and she reaches out for him.

As Freddie predicted Brian has become the favourite uncle, the two were inseparable especially when he teaches Amelia about animals.

"Not that it isn't nice to see her, but what is this one doing here? I'm pretty sure it's bedtime." Brian asks taking her from Roger, pressing butterfly kisses all over her face making her giggle, she pulls his hair in return.

"There no one to look after her. Mary's doing a night shift and of course, you guys are here. I didn't think you'd mind." Freddie explains dropping her bag by the sofa.

"Not at all there'll be less fighting with her here." John coos at her over Brian's shoulder. Happy his daughter is in safe hands Freddie heads into the recording booth.

Brian sat next to the soundboard with Amelia stood on his knee, little hands pressed up against the glass watching her dad through the window with pure fascination. Freddie blows little kisses at her occasionally.

Just before 11 pm they decided to take a break Freddie, John and Roger went outside for a smoke while Brian stays with Amelia, he took a quick moment to go to the bathroom leaving her alone with the sound guy but he left to have a smoke himself.

Realising she's alone Amelia toddles through the open door into the recording booth.

Everything was so big compared to her, she couldn't reach the keys of the piano but saw Brian's guitar on its stand. She wasn't entirely sure what it did but she knew it made a noise and wanted to try for herself.

She ran her fingers down the strings but it didn't make a noise so she tries again running them across this time it gives a whining noise. She shrieks with delight repeating the action a few times.

Brian returned to the room and almost having a heart attack when Amelia isn't where he left her and the sound guy gone. Then he heard the whine of his guitar.

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