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This place is based on the place me and my family have stayed at a few times. It really is beautiful, I've put this in because I should have been on holiday here in May and obviously it was cancelled due to coronavirus and I miss it.

I was also meant to be at the We Will Rock You show in May and the Queen + Adam Lambert tour at the beginning of June so gutted I couldn't go but fingers crossed the rescheduled dates will go ahead next year.

They arrive in Marazion at the holiday let half an hour later it was beautiful, looks right over the beach and you can see Saint Michael's Mount from the main window.

It's 6:30 pm by the time they've to unpack their luggage so Roger and Brian to pop to the shop to get food for there stay while Freddie, John and Amelia go the fish and chip shop for tonight's dinner.

After eating their food Roger was tired from driving and decided on an early night as did Freddie but Amelia was wide awake from sleeping in the car and Brian and John weren't ready to go to bed yet so they took Amelia down to the beach.

The fresh sea air felt amazing after five and a half hours stuck in a car. Brian instantly felt relaxed by the calming slow pace that differs entirely from the busy streets of London. This break would do them all the world of good.

Amelia had removed her shoes and socks, now attempting her first steps into seawater with John holding her hand. She squeals as the cold water rushes over her feet when the tide comes back ditching John and ran back to Brian, "it's too cold, uncle Brimi."

Brian couldn't help but chuckle at the nickname in the two years that he has known her, she has never once called him Brian, he didn't mind she had got the name from when Roger had called him that once and it stuck.

John stays in the water taking pictures of the scenery and the beautiful mount. Brian took Amelia over to the rock pools to see what they could find. They found a crab which she didn't like, reminded her too much of a spider and lots of seaweed.

"Uncle Brimi? Why is there a path in the water?" He walks over to where she has wandered off too. Though the tide is high you can still see the starts of a path under the water.

"It's called a causeway, Milly. And when the water is at low tide you can walk across it to St Michael's Mount," he points to said Mount, "when the tide is high like it is now, the water recovers it."

"But what if your over there when the tide comes in don't people get stuck?"

He holds back a chuckle at her concerned face, she was deadly serious, "No, there's an information centre nearby that has the tide times but if you are still over there when the tide comes back in they can either wait for the next low tide or get a boat back."

Once John was done taking pictures they head back to the let, ready for sleep. Brian helps Amelia get ready for bed then tucks her in reading a story.

The bedroom arrangements were as follows, Freddie and John in one of the big rooms, Roger and Brian in another while Amelia has her the small room to herself.

Turning the lights Brian gets into bed himself falling asleep to the sounds of the sea and Rogers snoring.


The second morning of their trip they were up bright and early and on their way to the zoo. Freddie had said Amelia could pick a place to go on this holiday and she chose the zoo.

It was surprisingly quiet for the summer holidays, it wasn't dead but it quiet enough that the boys didn't have to worry about attracting too much attention.

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