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Early morning update because guys... it's my birthday!!! I'm 22 today.

Since Amelia and Freddie's fight two months ago, a big rift has torn through the Queen family. It's hurt Amelia to freeze her dad out but she isn't going to apologise for the things she said because she knows she is right about Paul.

She had hoped that doing it this way would make Freddie see that she is serious but instead it has been the fuel to Paul's plan.

Freddie had called Brian, Roger and John for a band meeting, Amelia sat out of sight outside the door listening to the conversation.

"MTV banned our video, the youth of America. We helped give birth to MTV."

Brian shrugs, "It's America. They're Puritans in public, perverts in private."

"I'm the one being blamed for it, not Roger who's idea it was or Deaky who wrote the bloody thing." Freddie sighs before continuing, "I'm tired of touring aren't you. Album, tour, album, tour. I want to do something different."

"We're a bang Freddie, that's what bands do."

"Well, I need a break." Amelia knew that was coming.

John spoke up but he already suspects the answer, "What are you saying, Freddie?"

There is silence throughout the room waiting for his answer, "I've signed a deal with CBS records."

Roger sat forward in his chair, "You've done what?"

"What kind of a deal?" John asks.

"Queen will go on but I need to do something different. I need to grow, spread my wings and fly away."

Brian got the meaning, "A solo album."

Paul pipes up to rub salt into the wound, "Two actually."

"One more word from you and I'll throw you out the bloody window." Roger would have help from Amelia on that one.

"That will take years Freddie," John states.

Roger knew money would have a big influence on this, "How much...? What did they pay you...? I want to know..."

Freddie burst, "4 MILLION DOLLARS! I mean the route in killing us. You must all want a break from all the arguments, royalties, who's song gets on the B-side, you must need a break."

Brian tries to reason with him, "Freddie we're a family."

"No, we're not! You've got families, wives, children. What have I got?" Amelia's heart snapped, a dumbfounded silence fills the room.

None of them could believe he just said that Roger is aware that Amelia is listening, "You have a daughter Freddie."

Amelia stepped out from behind the door, tears running down her face. She didn't even look at her dad but looks to Roger, "does that offer of a home still stand? I think I need a new one."

Roger nods, "I'll go and pack my bag then." She runs back up to her bedroom.

John's heartaches for the girl, "I believe Amelia has just realised who her real family is, but you have 4 million dollars, why don't you buy yourself a new family."

Despite what people think, Amelia freezing him out for the past few months had hurt Freddie. In a small amount of time, they had gone from having a tight-knit bond to the least amount of words possible to get through the day.

He immediately regrets what he had just said but the damage is done and he knows it's will take a lot for Amelia to trust him again. For now, he knows she needs time.

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