Work Experience

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February 1985

Not much has changed since the summer of 1982, John and Veronica now have four children, Brian and Chrissie still have two and Roger and Dominique just Felix or two if you include Amelia.

Amelia is still living with Roger not that they mind, the Freddie and Amelia have spoken to each other at least once a month and on special occasions such as birthdays and Christmases. Freddie always sent her presents and vice-versa but it not enough for Amelia.

The more time goes on the more she wants her dad back. However, phone calls have become almost non-existent unless you count the times where Paul have picked up telling her that Freddie is busy or asleep.

It isn't just Amelia that can't get through, Roger, Brian and John have tried, even Mary and Miami have had no luck.

Amelia is now 16 and in Year 11, getting ready for her exams. At the end of year 9, they had to pick the options and she had picked Music and History of course, as well as Performing Arts and French.

Fallen Angelz are still together and looking forward to their meeting with Miami in August about the band recording an album and signing a contract. Amelia and Ben are still together alongside Jessica and Gwilym. Rosie and Brianna are still looking.

Amelia's POV

This week is a work experience week. Instead of going to school, all students have found places of their choice to work for the week.

I get changed for the day and do my hair before heading downstairs for breakfast, "Morning Rog, Dom, Brian..." I greet when I reach the table. Wait, "Brian, it's 7:30 in the morning why are you here?"

Brian chuckles, "Good morning to you to Milly, we have a band meeting. Deaky will be here soon."

I frown, "But you and Deaky live in almost in the centre of London and Roger lives on the outskirts would it have made more sense for Roger to drive to one of yours?"

"Yes but there are no kids here are in the day."

That makes sense, "Anyway how do I look?"

Roger looks me up and down, "Like a librarian

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Roger looks me up and down, "Like a librarian."

Why did I even ask, "that's not helpful, Dom what do you think?"

"Ignore him, Milly, you look lovely."

I take my seat starting to eat my breakfast, "So what's the band meeting about? You haven't had one for a while." The table falls silent, Roger and Brian exchange a look, "It's about Dad isn't it?"

Roger nods, "It's about the live aid concert in July. It's going to be the biggest concert and we want to play after missing out on band-aid but we need your dad but we can't get through to him. Could you try the next you talk to him?"

I scoff if only I could get through to him, "I haven't spoken to him since new years day. Paul keeps answering and he says he'll pass on the messages but I know he's not because I'm sure dad would call back."

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